Teller Report

Zhejiang launches a special campaign to rectify moon cakes and strictly investigates the phenomenon of resource waste and high prices

9/18/2020, 1:38:21 PM

  China News Service, Hangzhou, September 18 (Reporter Hu Yixin) Mooncake peak season is coming soon. On September 18, the reporter learned from the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision Bureau that the Bureau had issued the "Announcement on Regulating the Production and Operation of Mooncakes" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement") yesterday to strictly control the quality of moon cakes

  China News Service, Hangzhou, September 18 (Reporter Hu Yixin) Mooncake peak season is coming soon.

On September 18, the reporter learned from the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision Bureau that the Bureau had issued the "Announcement on Regulating the Production and Operation of Mooncakes" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement") yesterday to strictly control the quality of moon cakes and carry out reasonable packaging and packaging of moon cakes. Compliance with the six aspects of moon cake advertising, regulating moon cake sales prices, purifying the moon cake online sales environment, and strengthening social co-governance, further standardize the production and operation of moon cakes.

  The "Announcement" proposes that moon cake manufacturers must strictly implement the main responsibility for food safety, implement the raw material supplier review system, strictly control the procurement and supply of raw materials, regulate the use of food additives, and ensure continuous compliance in the production and processing process.

The behavior of "recycling and reprocessing" is strictly prohibited, and the product can be sold only after passing the inspection.

The moon cake business unit shall standardize the management requirements for purchase inspection, warehouse management, label identification, and self-inspection report.

  In response to the problem of excessive packaging, moon cake production and business units must strictly follow the "Restrictions on Excessive Packaging of Commodities-Food and Cosmetics" (GB23350-2009) and other standards for reasonable packaging of moon cakes; in terms of advertising and publicity of moon cakes, moon cake production and business units False promotion of products is not allowed, and no promotion of specific health effects is allowed.

Advertisers and advertisement publishers shall examine whether the advertisements are false propaganda and whether they contain propaganda for health care before they undertake the production and placement of mooncake advertisements.

  Regarding the regulation of moon cake sales prices, the "Announcement" proposes that moon cake production and business units must clearly mark prices in accordance with regulations and must not use false or misleading price methods to trick consumers into making transactions.

  In addition, live broadcast e-commerce, online sales platforms, etc. must strictly implement the main responsibility and standardize online sales.

It is necessary to improve platform management and control, strengthen daily monitoring of e-commerce, and take corresponding control measures for e-commerce and anchors that illegally sell mooncakes to purify the online sales environment.

  At the same time, the bureau issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mooncake Production and Operation during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day "Two Festivals". Starting from September 17, it will strengthen the source control of mooncake manufacturers and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the mooncake circulation field, focusing on In the moon cake market, resources were wasted, the atmosphere was extravagant, and the price was inflated. A one-month special campaign was launched to rectify moon cakes.

  The relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Market Supervision Bureau expressed the hope that through the one-month rectification work, the unhealthy trend in the mooncake market can be effectively curbed, industry norms are improved, the basic pattern of industry self-discipline and social governance is formed, and the masses form a good habit of frugality. Resolutely stop “waste on the tip of the tongue” with precise and powerful measures, and strive to build Zhejiang into a benchmark province that practices strict economy and opposes waste. (Finish)