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Why does the Shuangwen hero in real history have the highest voice?

9/18/2020, 1:38:38 PM

[The ancients have addiction] Why does the Shuangwen hero in real history have the highest voice?   [Ancients addiction client Beijing BEIJING, September 18 electrical problem: the real history of Shuang Wen actor why he's the loudest voices?   Author: Yuan show on   If one of the historical figures is most suitable to be the leading actor in the martial arts Shuang article, many people must no

[The ancients have addiction] Why does the Shuangwen hero in real history have the highest voice?

  [Ancients addiction client Beijing BEIJING, September 18 electrical


the real history of Shuang Wen actor why he's the loudest voices?

  Author: Yuan show on

  If one of the historical figures is most suitable to be the leading actor in the martial arts Shuang article, many people must nominate Zhang Liang.

  Born to be a nobleman, but the country was destroyed when he was young, and he ran away his wealth for revenge.

When dormant, he was advised by an expert, and later assisted Mingzhu, and participated in disputes in the world with wisdom.

At the beginning of the new dynasty, he retired and returned to the world.

  From life experience to experience, from appearance to chivalrous spirit, his character is even more perfect than the hero of the novel.

Drawing: Ni Wenbing

Revenge of the Ranger Boy Zhang Liang

  Zhang Liang's first appearance in history can be regarded as shocking. He did the same thing as Jing Ke-assassinating King Qin Yingzheng.

  It was 218 BC, and it has been three years since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries.

Regardless of the disparity between the strengths of the two men, the king Qin and ordinary teenagers, who are invincible, what hatred do they have?

  This also talks about Zhang Liang's life experience.

He was born in South Korea, one of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period. His family was distinguished. His grandfather and father served as the prime minister of Korea for five generations.

However, South Korea has a small land area and is surrounded by various countries, and its national strength is difficult to compete with other vassals.

With the rise of Qin, South Korea bears the brunt, becoming the first country among the six countries to be destroyed by Qin.

  Before Zhang Liang went into office, he suffered the doom of the country and his family.

From the Spring and Autumn to the Han Dynasty, the style of juvenile rangers flourished.

Zhang Liang, who was young and energetic, also unhesitatingly embarked on the road of revenge from the shame of the country.

  However, the question is, how to assassinate?

In history, King Qin has been assassinated by multiple assassins in various ways without success.

  Zhang Liang's method is very unique. He hired a strong man with a lot of money and built a big hammer of 120 jin.

Knowing that Qin Shihuang was traveling eastward, he and the assassin were in ambush in advance, and rushed to attack when the convoy passed by.

Drawing: Ni Wenbing

  However, the assassination ended in failure because the sledgehammer missed the vice car.

  Qin Shihuang, who was nearly killed in a car crash, was furious and ordered the assassins to be arrested across the country, "in a hurry to beg the thief."

In desperation, Zhang Liang had to change his name and surname, escaped to Xiapi (in Suining, Jiangsu), and started a ten-year career as a ranger.

Encountered Huangshi Gong and received a treasure book

  In martial arts novels, the protagonist always has adventures, and this also happens to Zhang Liang.

"Historical Records" records the story that Zhang Liang met Huang Shigong during his escape and was given a treasure book.

  One day, Zhang Liang was walking on the bridge and met an old man in coarse cloth.

The old man walked up to him and deliberately threw the shoes under the bridge and asked Zhang Liang to pick it up for him.

Zhang Liang was dumbfounded and wanted to beat him, but saw that he was old and endured it.

When he picked up the shoes, the old man asked Zhang Liang to put them on again.

Zhang Liang thought, since he had picked it up, he knelt and put his shoes on.

The old man put on his shoes and left with a smile, then returned after a while and asked him to meet in five days.

Drawing: Ni Wenbing

  The old man gave Zhang Liang a copy of "Taigong Art of War" and told him that after reading this book, he could be the emperor's teacher.

Later, Zhang Liang studied this book day and night and devoted himself to research.

  In 209 BC, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang set up an uprising. Heroes from all walks of life responded one after another, and the Qin Dynasty Building will fall.

Zhang Liang also assembled more than a hundred anti-Qin righteous scholars. He wanted to go to the fake Wang Jingju of Chu, but he met Liu Bang on the road. The two met late, and Zhang Liang immediately worshipped Liu Bang.

  In troubled times, the heroes want to destroy Qin and dominate the world, but Zhang Liang also has his own little selfishness, that is, to revive Korea.

Xiang Liang supported the Queen of Chuhuai, Zhang Liang lobbied Xiang Liang, and supported Han Gongzi Hengyangjun as the king of Han. He himself served as the prime minister and assisted the king in regaining lost ground.

  At this point, Zhang Liang's wish was half fulfilled.

However, after the Qin Dynasty was overthrown, the battle for hegemony between Chu and Han also kicked off.

Xiang Yu, on the grounds that Zhang Liang followed Liu Bang, refused to allow King Han to return, and later killed King Han.

  Since then, Zhang Liang's wish to rejuvenate the country has completely vanished.

Liu Bang "Think Tank" "Most Powerful Brain"

  It is described in "Historical Records" that Zhang Liang was frail and sickly, never led soldiers to fight independently, and looked like a woman and a good girl.

When it comes to military merit, he is far inferior to others, but Liu Bang said: "While the husband is strategizing and winning a thousand miles away, I am inferior to the ovary."

  Zhang Liang has also become a synonym for wisdom counsellors, and Cao Cao once called Xun Yu "My Zi Fang".

  So, as the "think tank" and "the most powerful brain" behind Liu Bang, what tactics did Zhang Liang have?

  It can be summed up with some idioms we use today, such as helping torture, borrowing chopsticks to raise money, making sheep to wolves, Xiangzhuang's sword dance intention in Peigong, Mingxiu plank road secretly Chencang...

  In fact, in addition to his superior wisdom, Zhang Liang is more praised for his keen insight, sober mind, and understanding of human nature.

Drawing: Ni Wenbing

  After Liu Bang entered the Guanzhong, he saw thousands of gold and silver treasures and beauties in the Qin Palace. He was dazzled for a while, and wanted to stay in the palace. Fan Kui entered the remonstrance many times, but Liu Bang refused to listen.

  Zhang Liang stated pros and cons heartily, saying that it was precisely because of the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty that Gong Pei came to Xianyang.

To get rid of tyranny in the world, we should take a vegetarian diet to show frugality.

Now I just enter the Qin Palace and enjoy peace and happiness. This is "helping to be abused."

Only then did Liu Bang suddenly wake up, so he ordered to seal up the treasures and return them to the army to rectify the army.

  In 204 BC, the Chu-Han War was in a stalemate, and Xiang Yu besieged Liu Bang in Xingyang.

When Liu Bang was worried, the adviser Li Shiqi suggested that the descendants of the six countries could be restored to win the support of the people of the six countries.

Liu Bang also felt that it made sense, and immediately let people do it.

  Upon learning of this, Zhang Liang tried to present eight reasons to explain that the matter was not feasible.

He believes that in the past, Tang Wu defeated Jieqiang and sealed it down because they could completely control the enemy, and if necessary, they could even kill the opponent.

However, now, the Han army cannot completely control Xiang Yu.

Moreover, if the descendants of the six kingdoms are restored, then the heavenly servants will be their own masters, and no one will follow Liu Bang to fight the world.

Drawing: Ni Wenbing

  An analysis of the scourge made Liu Bangru wake up from his dream, scold Li Shiqi for bad things, and ordered the destruction of the seal.

  Zhang Liang was the ideal incarnation of many literati who acted as officials, not only because of his achievements, but also because he was able to retreat quickly after making contributions and staying safe.

  After Liu Bang became the emperor, he gave Zhang Liang to "select all 30,000 households", but Zhang Liang urged his resignation.

In terms of official positions, there is only one idle position, Prince Shaofu.

In his later years, Zhang Liang often used illness as an excuse to lead the way and learn from immortality, often staying behind closed doors.

  For him, avenging his country, becoming an emperor with three inches of tongue, and being banned from ten thousand households is enough, and there is no other extravagant hope.

  "The family leader Han, and Han Mie, do not love the wealth of money, and revenge for Han to strengthen the Qin, and the world vibrates. Today, with the three-inch tongue as the emperor's teacher, he seals tens of thousands of households and ranks among the princes. This commoner is the ultimate, Yu Liang That's enough."

  As for the rest of his life, only "willing to abandon human affairs and want to swim from the red pine nuts".

  Having been a ranger, being an emperor, and finally returning to seclusion, there is really nothing better than this.

Zhang Liang's story can be extolled by later generations of literati. Not only is it resourceful, but I am afraid it also has the spirit of the ranger of joy and enmity, and the spirit of a recluse.
