Teller Report

Three new indigenous cases of dengue in Nice

9/18/2020, 2:05:04 PM

All the patients are in the neighborhood where the first two cases were detected at the beginning of September

Illustration of a tiger mosquito.


FotoshopTofs / Pixabay

The dengue outbreak identified at the beginning of September in Nice, in the Parc-Impérial - Mantega - Le Piol district, is still active.

The Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur Regional Health Agency (ARS) revealed this Friday that three new cases were detected there.

This brings to five the number of “indigenous” cases in this sector of the Riviera capital.

“All these cases, except the first, were identified either as part of

door-to-door investigations carried out in the area by the ARS, Public Health France and the hygiene service of the town hall of Nice, or following to sensitize doctors in the area to the importance of biological confirmation and the reporting of any suspected case of dengue, ”said the ARS in a press release.

Mosquito control operations

Mosquito control operations are continuing in the neighborhood to prevent further contamination.

Dengue, also called "tropical flu", is in fact transmitted exclusively by mosquitoes.

Most often benign, the disease causes a sudden high fever, muscle or joint pain, eye pain, fatigue or even headaches.

In the event of symptoms, the ARS recommends “immediately consult your doctor”.

It also encourages people to protect themselves from mosquito bites and to fight against their proliferation, in particular by eliminating stagnant water.

Finally, she recommends protecting yourself from mosquito bites and eliminating any stagnant water that promotes their development.


Nice: What to know after the announcement of the existence of a "hotbed of dengue fever"


Nice: A second case of dengue detected, the ARS now evokes a "focus"

  • Health

  • Tiger mosquito

  • Nice

  • Dengue

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