Teller Report

The prefect announces the new constraints for Toulouse residents

9/18/2020, 4:28:53 PM

After Bordeaux, Marseille and Nice, it is Toulouse's turn to take new health measures, such as banning gatherings of more than 10 people in parks and gardens, to fight against the epidemic.

Wearing a mask has been mandatory in Toulouse since August 21 to fight against the coronavirus epidemic.


F. Scheiber

Faced with the active circulation of the rcoronavirus in Toulouse, the prefect of Haute-Garonne has decided to toughen up.

Etienne Guyot has just announced new restrictive measures in an attempt to limit the spread of the epidemic, which come into force on Saturday.

After Marseille, Bordeaux and Nice, it is now the Pink City that is tightening the screw to break the pace of the pandemic, where the incidence rate, that is to say the number of inhabitants positive for the coronavirus is today 'hui of nearly 225.7 per 100,000, four times higher than the alert threshold, set at 50.

Limited gauge and prohibited gatherings

The compulsory wearing of the mask extends to all Haute-Garonne and is extended to Toulouse for another month.

Initially, this measure ran until September 20.

The mask must be worn within a perimeter of 30 meters around cultural establishments, sports clubs, train stations and airports.

In Haute-Garonne, gatherings of more than 10 people in parks, gardens and public places are now prohibited.

To limit the circulation of the virus, the opening and use of changing rooms in sports clubs is prohibited, except for swimming pools, schools, Staps or professional clubs.

Pointed out by the public authorities as vectors of contamination, the students, numbering 100,000 in Toulouse, will be banned from festive evenings in bars and restaurants where customers must be seated and not eat while standing.

The same goes for the consumption of alcohol in the street which is now prohibited throughout the city from 1 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Take-out is also prohibited from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.

A measure decided by the prefect of Haute-Garonne to avoid the many clusters observed this week in the student community.

The number of hospitalizations is increasing in Haute-Garonne, with 54 Covid patients hospitalized at Toulouse University Hospital, including 13 in intensive care.

For events open to the public or matches in stadiums, the maximum number of people remains for the moment at 5,000 people.

… / More info to come…

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  • Coronavirus

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  • Toulouse