Teller Report

Raise Yoshitomo Tsutsugo 4 at bats 1 hit 1 RBI Raise advances to the playoffs

9/18/2020, 4:17:21 AM

[NHK] Yoshitomo Tsutsugo of the Major League Baseball Rays participated in the first game of the doubleheader with the Orioles on the 17th, with 1 hit and 1 RBI in 4 at bats. Ray ...

Raise Yoshitomo Tsutsugo 4 at bats 1 hit 1 RBI Raise advances to the playoffs September 18th 13:11

Yoshitomo Tsutsugo of the Major League Baseball Rays participated in the first game of the doubleheader against the Orioles on the 17th, with 1 hit and 1 RBI in 4 at bats.

Raise won both doubleheader games and decided to advance to the playoffs.

Tsutsugo started as the first designated hitter in the first doubleheader match against the Orioles in Baltimore, Maryland, where he is based.

Tsutsugo made a hit in front of the center, which was the first hit in three games, in the first at bat, then the second at bat was the center fly, and the third at bat was the first grounder.

The 4th at bat was a one-on-one 7th inning, with a no-out second base and third base scene, but the third base runner instead scored a winning goal.

Tsutsugo had 1 hit and 1 RBI in 4 at bats in this game.

The match was won by Raise 3 to 1.

Tsutsugo did not participate in the second game of the doubleheader that followed, but Raise won 10-6 and decided to advance to the playoffs.