Teller Report

Japan Asahi talks about the case of Yoon Mi-hyang

9/18/2020, 2:50:50 AM

Japan's Asahi Shimbun argued on the 18th that it is necessary to re-evaluate the Korea-Japan comfort women agreement signed in December 2015, and that the framework of the agreement should be used to rescue victims. In an editorial titled'Progress to re-evaluate the significance of the consensus for comfort women', the newspaper mentioned the case of Rep. Yoon Mi-hyang of the Democratic Party, who was charged with misappropriating funds from the Justice Memory Solidarity. “The Korean government returned to the origin of the human rights issue and reevaluated the agreement. Shouldn't it be used as an opportunity to promote the implementation?"

Japan's Asahi Shimbun argued on the 18th that it is necessary to re-evaluate the Korea-Japan comfort women agreement signed in December 2015, and that the framework of the agreement should be used to rescue victims.

In an editorial titled'Progress to re-evaluate the significance of the consensus for comfort women', the newspaper mentioned the case of the Democratic Party's lawmaker Yoon Mi-hyang, who was charged with the misappropriation of donations for the Justice Memory Solidarity (Eui-yeon Jeong). "Wouldn't it be an opportunity to promote the re-evaluation and implementation of the (comfort women) agreement?"

The newspaper said, "The Japanese government did not admit legal responsibility, but it was an agreement five years ago (comfort women) that both Japan and Korea (Korea and Japan) made a political fallout." He acknowledged and said, “I have a full sense of responsibility,” and expressed “seriously apology and reflection” in the name of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.”

However, the comfort women support organizations such as Eui-yeon Eui-yeon criticized the agreement as ``diplomatic collusion,'' and pushed public opinion toward rejection.

President Moon advocated victimism and said that he would respect the will of the parties, but Asahi criticized him for not offering specific relief measures for victims after the foundation was dissolved.

Asahi said, "Isn't it the victim-centered idea to relieve even a little of the wounds of the past?"

He said, "For this, the Japanese side must also cooperate," he pointed out, "The Abe regime was in an attitude that the problem disappeared from the point of an agreement, but such a cold speech and motion has stimulated the Korean opposition movement."

Asahi said, "The issue of the past is not something that will be resolved with a single agreement, but it is meaningful that both sides carry on the consciousness and actions contained in the agreement to the future." How about starting?" 

(Photo = Yonhap News)