Teller Report

Health Priority - Women's Issues: Natural Skin

9/18/2020, 9:07:58 AM

Priorité Santé offers you a new weekly meeting. Every Friday, we will deal with a topic of women's health, in a practical way.

Women's questions: Natural skin

The skin is a protective barrier and an organ vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, infections, parasites or allergies ... iStock

By: Caroline Paré Follow

2 min

Priorité Santé offers you a new weekly meeting.

Every Friday, we will deal with a topic of women's health, in a practical way.


This week we are talking about skin care with concrete tips.

Acne, depigmentation, spots, sores ... Small skin imperfections are common, How to take care of your skin?

What products should be avoided on the skin?

How to maintain it naturally?

  • Dr Fatimata Ly,

    Senegalese dermatologist and venereologist, associate lecturer at the Cheikh-Anta-Diop University of Dakar, chief physician of the Dermatology department of the Institute of Social Hygiene in Dakar, national coordinator of the International Network on psoriasis as well as the West African psoriasis group, author of "

    Modern dermatology and alternative medicine, treating Ndoxum siti in Senegal"


At the end of the program, we find the relaxation session in real time, of

Dr Adrian Chaboche

, hypnotherapist doctor and co-founder of the Vitruve center in Paris.


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  • Health and medicine

  • Women

  • Women of tomorrow

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