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Chinese football reappears "Desperate Flying Legs" Why are serious fouls repeatedly banned?

9/18/2020, 6:59:55 AM

  Against the backdrop of the raging Chinese Super League, the Chinese A League, which only started "low-key" last week, finally entered the public eye in the second round. However, what catches people's eyes is not a wonderful game, but a flying kick that can only be seen in a fighting arena. Li Jiawei's flying kick hits Ruan Yang's back   On the evening of the 16th, in the 75th minute of the

  Against the backdrop of the raging Chinese Super League, the Chinese A League, which only started "low-key" last week, finally entered the public eye in the second round.

However, what catches people's eyes is not a wonderful game, but a flying kick that can only be seen in a fighting arena.

Li Jiawei's flying kick hits Ruan Yang's back

  On the evening of the 16th, in the 75th minute of the match between Nantong Zhiyun and Kunshan FC, Nantong player Li Jiawei kicked to the back of Kunshan player Ruan Yang in a defense, causing the latter to fall to the ground in pain.

  To be honest, just watching the replay is enough to start a cold sweat.

It is estimated that Ruan Yang was also lucky afterwards that he was lucky and was not seriously injured.

And for ordinary people with less physical fitness, this kind of action is likely to cause serious consequences such as injuries to the lumbar spine and even organs.

  Fortunately, in the process of fighting for the ball, the two sides both closed their legs, but Li Jiawei obviously reflected that he was half a beat slower, and finally kicked Ruan Yang.

If the leg is not closed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Flying kick playback from another angle.

  In the quarter-finals of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Neymar suffered a similar injury to his back. The opponent's foul action was not so "exaggerated", but the result was very tragic. Neymar was diagnosed with a lumbar fracture and missed it. After the semi-finals, they missed the opportunity to go further with the team in the home World Cup.

  Perhaps there is a psychological shadow. In the 2018 World Cup in Russia, Neymar, who is still the opponent's key defensive target, fell to the ground in pain almost every time he suffered a foul and had to roll several laps.

At that time, a foreign media statistics showed that in the first 4 games of the World Cup, Neymar spent up to 14 minutes on the ground...

A foul that caused Neymar's lumbar fracture.

  Foul actions such as Li Jiawei's "exaggerated" are really uncommon in the domestic arena.

In the Super League match last weekend, Luneng defender Dai Lin shoveled a straight red foul by Evergrande defender Mei Fang, which is still fermenting today.

  Regarding this foul, it is also "the public is justified, and the mother-in-law is justified." Dai Lin personally argued on social media, saying that she was shoveling at the pass line. If she really rushed towards people, Will the other party be fine at all?

Dai Lin comment screenshot

  In fact, pure technical and tactical discussions like this in the football category are also quite good. Of course, this discussion is largely due to the fact that the incident did not "out of the circle", and most of the fans held different positions and opinions. Reasonable discussion.

  If you get to the national team arena, if there are similar actions, it may be a "stink forever."

The people who eat melon don't care about their skills and tactics. In short, the target is the national football, or the foul of this kind of big action, no matter the three seven twenty one, just spray it first.

In the East Asian Cup, Jiang Zhipeng's flying kick played back.

  For example, at the East Asian Cup at the end of last year, Jiang Zhipeng, who played for the national football selection team, kicked directly into the back of the Japanese player's head.

The "lucky" thing is that the benevolent referee only showed him a yellow card.

After the game, he explained that it was not an intentional foul and kicked the opponent's head, but the opponent hit his own foot...

  The other party... hit... own...foot?



  Jiang Zhipeng's response directly caused a foul action that was already black, and it was also covered by a layer of ink. It is no wonder that the people who eat melons attacked.

It can be seen that the national football players not only need to be more reasonable in defensive movements, but also need to improve their oral expression skills.

  After half a year, Jiang Zhipeng responded again in an interview, saying that he should not make such a move and formally apologized to the opposing player.

Jiang Zhipeng apologized in an interview

  In fact, it is understandable. After all, they are all professional players. They all eat football. No matter what they do, they can't commit the dark psychology of abolishing opponents. What a grudge and resentment.

  These "unbelievable" foul moves are largely due to unreasonable technical moves and inaccurate predictions of the ball. In general, some players still lack basic skills.

The football field is changing rapidly, and every action is basically a subconscious reaction.

In the case of inattention or physical exhaustion, it is extremely possible to make such an unreasonable subconscious reaction between the electric light and flint, and there will be unexpected consequences.

Dai Lin flying shovel playback

  However, these fouls like the following... Sorry, Xiaoxin can't stand it anymore (smiling).

How to put it, the players who make this kind of action say that they are good because they are emotional, and what they say is that they do not respect their opponents, and the game is too poor. These behaviors also greatly pollute the atmosphere of the sports arena.

Gu Cao deliberately stepped over Edel, with a stepping motion.

  For example, at the end of the 2018 Super League season, Henan Jianye captain Gu Cao stepped over the fallen Jiangsu Suning foreign aid Edel and deliberately stepped on the opponent's arm. He was banned for 10 games.

  A similar scene occurred in the Women’s Super League a few days ago. The Shanghai team’s foreign aid Camilla was shown a red card after a foul, and then she turned out of control and punched the opposing player’s back. This behavior also resulted in a 10 game suspension. Ticket.

At the China Cup, Wei Shihao maliciously scooped behind.

  Speaking of this, I have to mention that in the China Cup match in March last year, Wei Shihao, who played on behalf of the national football team, shoveled the Uzbekistan player from behind, and then he reluctantly "voiced fragrant mouth" toward the fallen opponent.

This malicious foul directly caused the opponent's ankle fracture.

After seeing this scene, Dutch star Sneijder was surprised to question on Weibo: "This is Chinese football?"

After shoveling his opponent, Wei Shihao was still reluctant.

  What’s more worrying is that this kind of behavior is not uncommon in amateur stadiums. Just a month ago, in an amateur football match in Xiamen, a player was shown a red card after shoveling and then slapped the referee directly from behind. a slap.

Video excerpt

  In fact, compared to the highly anticipated professional stadiums, the wild courts are the worst-hit areas for malicious fouls. The Chinese Football Association has implemented a blacklist system for this purpose to curb this unhealthy trend.

  According to an official list from the Football Association, as of the end of October 2019, a total of 7 amateur teams and 75 amateur players have been included in the blacklist, of which the lightest penalties will also be suspended for one year, and the severe ones will be for life. Banned.

Screenshot of the Chinese Football Association's penalty announcement against a Chengdu amateur team

  And this kind of malicious foul behavior does not only exist in football stadiums.

There are many similar situations in basketball courts where the physical antagonism is equally strong.

  Also in a basketball amateur game a month ago, a 13-year-old player frequently fouled maliciously on the court. In order to prevent his opponent from scoring, he would not hesitate to use head shots, elbows, and hits. The video immediately caused popularity on the Internet. Discussion.

The No. 85 player fouled maliciously in the scramble. From the online video, this is just the "tip of the iceberg."

  There are similar situations in domestic professional basketball courts.

In the CBA playoffs quarter-finals of the 2018/19 season, Beijing team giant Wang Xiaohui elbows Shenzhen team center Shen Zijie during the game, who was directly injured in the locker room for treatment.

Wang Xiaohui was expelled from the game because of the violation and was suspended for 2 games.

In the process of fighting for the ball, Wang Xiaohui made a deliberate elbow swing.

  In the first game of the CBA final last month, Guangdong player Su Wei faced a defensive foul against Han Dejun of Liaoning team. After the referee’s whistle, Su Wei overthrew Han Dejun, who was standing up and shooting. The latter fell to the ground and was very painful. .

In the third quarter of the game, Su Wei kicked Gao Shiyan again in a defense, and was once again whistled for violations and expelled from the field.

  In fact, as early as the beginning of last season, the CBA League had updated the rules to curb the bad atmosphere in the CBA arena.

"In the regular season, if the total number of technical fouls reaches 6 times, the game will be automatically suspended for one game, and the total number of violations reached 6 times and the game will be suspended for one game. The cumulative number of technical fouls reached 9 times, and there were 2 additional suspensions. 9 times, 3 games will be suspended."

Su Wei pushed down Han Dejun, who got up to shoot, and the latter fell heavily.

  These malicious fouls should not have been reflected in the sports arena.

Competitive sports where there are winners and losers, the fun lies in team or individual competition, rather than using insidious tricks to "beat" opponents.

  Regardless of whether it is professional or amateur arena, this kind of malicious foul behavior should be eliminated. As an athlete, controlling emotions and respecting opponents should be included in the required courses.

For non-malicious foul players, it is necessary to further standardize their actions, improve the rationality of their actions, and do not cause harm to their opponents because of their own problems.

A good competition environment in the sports arena needs to be created by every participant.

(Author Bian Liqun)