Teller Report

Brazilian player kills his former club president

9/18/2020, 12:32:04 PM

The Brazilian newspaper "Juniper Sport" revealed that a former player in a Brazilian fourth-division team killed the honorary president of the club, by stabbing him, in a crime that took place in the town of Rolandia, in the state of Paraná, south of Brazil, where the headquarters of Nacional Atletico. L

Brazilian player kills his former club president

The Brazilian newspaper "Juniper Sport" revealed that a former player in a Brazilian fourth-division team killed the honorary president of the club, by stabbing a knife, in a crime that took place in the town of Rolandia, in the state of Parana, south of Brazil, where the headquarters of Nacional Atletico.

The newspaper said: “The 20-year-old player, Vinius Corsini, raided the club’s headquarters and started a heated debate with the former honorary club president, Jose Danielson, who is 58, before Venius directed two stabs with a knife, one in the neck and the other in the thigh. My guarantee is that Danielson will die. "

She added: "The player admitted his crime and confirmed that he committed it due to disagreements with Danielson since he was with Nacional Atlético, who left him last February after the end of his two-year contract.

And continued, "The municipality of Rolandia announced after the crime of mourning for three days for the death of Danielson," which she described as "one of the political and sports symbols in the city."

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