Teller Report

An American company acquires Italian club Parma

9/18/2020, 4:11:16 PM

The Italian club, Parma, revealed today, Friday, that its ownership has transferred to the American "Krause" group. The club said in a statement on its Twitter account: "The American group has bought 90 percent of its shares, while the previous owner, the Novo Inizio Group, will keep it." With nine percent of the shares

An American company acquires Italian club Parma

Italian club Parma revealed today, Friday, that its ownership has been transferred to the American "Krause" group.

The club said in a statement on its Twitter account: “The American group has bought 90 percent of its shares, while the previous owner, Novo Inizio Group, will keep 9 percent of the shares, while one percent will remain in the hands of a company representing the club's audience. ".

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