Teller Report

Accents d'Europe - European Union pinned for export of highly toxic pesticides

9/18/2020, 1:02:33 PM

Europe pinned for selling thousands of tonnes of pesticides banned in Europe abroad. They are called Paraquat, Dichloropropene, Cyanamide, these ultra-dangerous products banned in…

European Union pinned down for exporting very toxic pesticides

Audio 19:30

Spraying pesticides in a field, France.


By: Léa-Lisa Westerhoff Follow

22 min

Europe pinned for selling thousands of tonnes of pesticides banned in Europe abroad.

They are called Paraquat, Dichloropropene, Cyanamide, these ultra-dangerous products banned in Europe for more than ten years, for some, still exported.


This is what the survey of 2 NGOs reveals: the British Unearthed and the Swiss Public Eye.

In 2018, Europeans sold more than 80,000 tonnes of banned pesticides to 85 foreign countries. 

Jérémie Lanche

in Geneva.

In Switzerland, voters are called upon to vote on a somewhat specific question, on September 27, 2020: should we renew fighter jets, which are reaching the end of their careers in ten years or so?

And in Scotland, Brexit rhymes with exit: Scotland is claiming independence.

Topics to be found with

Sasha Mitchell

in the International Courier this week.

After the disrupted back to school in Europe, another area particularly affected by the health restrictions linked to the Covid-19 epidemic: the entertainment world.

In Belgium, when the theaters remained closed for months, in the Brussels capital, dancers decided to offer a paid show outside the Royal Flemish Theater.

Laxmi Lota.

Same difficulties.

In Italy.

The nightclubs, which had reopened for a while, had to draw back the curtain in mid-August 2020, accused of causing crowds without barrier gestures.

The performance halls are always subject to drastic standards to receive the public: limited gauge, physical distancing and wearing a compulsory mask.

So to continue living and creating despite the constraints, a theater troupe from Palermo had an idea: to organize its show outdoors in a park, by listening to the actors' texts through audio headsets.

Cécile Debarge's



On the menu of

Vincent Theval's

musical chronicle

this week, the 2nd album “Alles Brennt” by German singer Delage.


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  • Coronavirus

  • Theater

  • Education

  • Environment

  • Agriculture and Fishing

  • Swiss

  • Italy

  • Belgium

  • European Union

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