Teller Report

A German player stopped his attack on a fan and put him at risk of contracting Corona

9/18/2020, 6:20:15 PM

The German Football Association decided, on Friday, to punish Hamburg defender Tony Listner with a five-match ban after he attacked a fan and insulted him after a cup match earlier this week.

A German player stopped his attack on a fan and put him at risk of contracting Corona

The German Football Association decided, on Friday, to punish Hamburg defender Tony Listner with a five-match ban after he attacked a fan and insulted him after a cup match earlier this week.

The German Federation stated that the player will be suspended for two matches, suspended for a year, and a fine of 8,000 euros (9,400 dollars), as punishment for the incident in the match of his team, Hamburg, which suffered a severe 1-4 loss to the former Leitner team, Dynamo Dresden.

Listner ran towards the stands after the match and pushed the fan, who directed a number of insults at him, in violation of the rules for combating the Corona virus, and because of which the German Federation decided to extend the ban from the Cup and even the rest of the tournaments.

The German Federation stated that "Listner exposed himself and others to the risk of infection with the emerging corona virus, and the association described the player's behavior as unsportsmanlike and dangerous."

"On the one hand, we had to take into account that attacking a fan is dangerous misconduct, especially when it occurs by one of the players, and on the other hand we had to appreciate the seriousness of the provocation to which the player was exposed," said the president of the German Federation's sporting court, Hans E. Lorenz.

Hamburg FC and its player, Listner, who apologized for his behavior, will be able to appeal against the ruling.

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