Teller Report

A football team loses a match 37-0 due to social distancing

9/18/2020, 8:43:58 AM

A German soccer team lost a match against a local rival team with 37 goals without a response, after playing with only seven players in order to achieve social distancing and for fear of infection with the Corona virus. The "Riebdorf" team played the minimum number of players last Sunday due to mixing with the opponent team,

A football team loses a match 37-0 due to social distancing

A German soccer team lost a match against a local rival team with 37 goals without a response after playing with only seven players in order to achieve social distancing and for fear of contracting the Coronavirus.

The "Riedorf" team played with the minimum number of players last Sunday due to contact with the players of the opposing team, "SV Heldenstedt", in a previous match with a person who had tested positive for the Coronavirus.

Despite the negative results of the tests conducted for the team's players, the club, Reporve, said that the conditions were not safe.

Riedorf said his players did not feel safe because the match was timed, and it had not been 14 days since the Holdenstedt players had contact with the person who tested positive.

Holdenstedt did not play the match with the first team, but pushed for his second team.

At the start of the match, a player in Ribdorf got off the field and passed the ball to a player on the opposing team, then the Ribdorf players moved away from the midfield.

"The Holdenstedt players didn't understand it. But we didn't want to risk anything," said Patrick Restau, co-president of Riebdorf, in an interview with ESPN.

He added that his players "did not go into direct confrontations, and followed the rules of social distancing, with a distance of two meters between them and Holdenstedt's players."

Holdenstedt did not back down, scoring 37 goals, averaging one every two or three minutes.

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