Teller Report

10 European deals in "Mercato Corona"

9/18/2020, 10:08:10 PM

The global football, and with it European in particular, lived an unprecedented situation in the transfer market due to the effects associated with the Coronavirus pandemic, which has brought about major changes to the "Mercato", both in terms of opening and closing dates, or in relation to the value of deals that have declined significantly

10 European deals in "Mercato Corona"

The global football, and with it European in particular, lived in an unprecedented situation in the transfer market due to the effects associated with the Coronavirus pandemic, which has brought about major changes to the "Mercato", whether in terms of opening and closing dates or in relation to the value of deals that have declined significantly compared to past seasons. .

And this summer, the highest deal has not yet crossed the 80 million euro barrier, which is the value of the young German player Kai Havertiz's transfer to Chelsea from Leverkusen, while most of the other deals remained at levels between 50 and 70 million euros.

Among the most active clubs in the transfer market is Chelsea, who spent more than 250 million euros on players, while big names such as Real Madrid and Liverpool, and even Barcelona, ​​who entered the market in a modest manner, unlike what they spent in previous seasons, were absent.

Here are the 10 highest trades in the European Mercato so far:

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