Teller Report

Including chewing gum .. Foods that cause frequent headaches, and it is best to stay away from them

9/17/2020, 3:35:10 PM

Everyone gets headaches from time to time, and this problem can be frequent in them, be mild or severe, coinciding with a feeling of pain and discomfort in the head and neck. The Health Site published a health report stating that there are many reasons behind the recurrent headache in Gal

Including chewing gum .. Foods that cause frequent headaches, and it is best to stay away from them

Everyone gets headaches from time to time, and this problem can be frequent, and it is mild or severe, coinciding with pain and discomfort in the head and neck.

The Health Site published a health report that stated that there are many underlying causes for frequent headaches in most people. The reason may be simple such as dehydration, sleep disturbances, anxiety, stress and tension, as well as the result of eating some types of foods.

There are many foods that are eaten and cause frequent headaches without the knowledge or the knowledge of this matter.

The report published some foods that should be removed from the diet menu for people with this disease, including:

Soft drinks: Artificial sweeteners found in soft drinks and colas, such as saccharin, sucralose, aspartame, and newotam, can cause headache, dizziness and memory loss, and for some people, these drinks can act as headache triggers.

Soy sauce: It is very rich in sodium, so eating it without drinking ample amounts of water can lead to dehydration, and this is what causes headaches.

Avocado: This variety of fruit contains tyramine, which causes blood vessels to constrict and widen, and this may cause you headaches.

Cheese: Cheese also contains tyramine, which, as mentioned, causes a headache and an uncomfortable throbbing pain in the head.

Chewing gum: One of the reasons behind frequent headaches, because this habit causes muscle contraction and strains the jaws in movement, and this is what causes headaches.