Teller Report

Hong Kong nurses take the initiative to ask for help in testing, hoping to unite the society to fight the

9/17/2020, 2:31:52 PM

  [Explanation] The two-week Hong Kong universal community testing program came to an end. On September 15, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced that a total of 1.783 million Hong Kong citizens participated in the test and successfully identified at least 42 confirmed patients. During this process, more than 6000 Hong Kong medical staff voluntarily invited Ying to join

  [Explanation] The two-week Hong Kong universal community testing program came to an end. On September 15, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced that a total of 1.783 million Hong Kong citizens participated in the test and successfully identified at least 42 confirmed patients.

During this process, more than 6000 Hong Kong medical staff voluntarily invited Ying to join the testing team to help citizens collect nasopharyngeal swab samples.

  [Explanation] Hong Kong nurse Zheng Shaoping has been in the nursing industry for nearly 38 years. When she learned that the government recruited volunteers for sample collection, she immediately signed up and became the first batch of volunteers for nucleic acid testing.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Shaoping, a volunteer in Hong Kong's "National Testing"

  I received the application for registration in mid-August and immediately signed up. As a medical staff, I must respond to this plan, support the government to conduct this test, and cut off the transmission chain of the community.

  [Explanation] Zheng Shaoping said that "it is not easy to choose to become a volunteer". This recruitment is not only for public hospitals in Hong Kong, but also for private medical institutions and medical students in schools.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Shaoping, a volunteer in Hong Kong's "National Testing"

  The latter (places) have to be grabbed, because they are very enthusiastic, and colleagues who want to sign up later have no choice.

Because those who have already signed up are divided into good jobs, and the positions and time slots are compiled, they will not be able to sign up later.

  [Explanation] On September 1, the universal community testing program officially began. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government set up 141 nucleic acid testing sites in all districts of Hong Kong for citizens to conduct testing.

Zheng Shaoping was lucky enough to get a three-day "volunteer" quota and was also elected as the leader of the inspection site.

Sampling staff work a long time. After arriving at 7:45, they usually don't finish work until 8:15 in the evening.

In order to prevent infection, all volunteers responsible for sampling must change their gloves and wash their hands after completing a sample of a citizen. Sometimes they washed their hands more than 200 times a day.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Shaoping, a volunteer in Hong Kong's "National Testing"

  (My colleague) is very busy. They only have five test stations, but more than a thousand people come for testing a day. The number of tests performed by citizens is large, and the number of times they wash their hands and change their gloves increases.

  [Explanation] In addition to strict epidemic prevention, the sampling process should not be sloppy.

The use of test paper, testing procedures, sampling process, sample bottle collection and counting, etc., each step is related to the results of the entire "national testing".

Fortunately, every volunteer is dedicated to his duties, with few mistakes and omissions, which moved Zheng Shaoping very much.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Shaoping, a volunteer in Hong Kong's "National Testing"

  All team members are dedicated and dedicated, many are young, some are nurse students, and they are very serious in the process.

It was hot in protective clothing, but they didn't complain.

  [Explanation] The citizen's "thank you" has also left Zheng Shaoping aftertaste for a long time.

During the three days she was on duty, there were young couples who came holding hands, elders who faltered, and a family of several came together.

She was very happy to see the public's support for the "National Testing", and she was also grateful for the Central Government to send the mainland nucleic acid testing support team to assist Hong Kong.

I hope that the whole people can unite to contain the epidemic and resume normal life as soon as possible.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Shaoping, a volunteer in Hong Kong's "National Testing"

  I am very happy to be involved in three days of work.

(The person who came for the test) will be very polite when you leave, saying thank you, thank you for your words of praise.

(The support team) Of course it is also very helpful. A large number of staff are needed to do the sample test. The motherland sends people to help. They are all professional and helped us a lot.

  Reporter Chen Anyi Yubuting reports from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Ye Pan]