Teller Report

Death found in apartment in Märsta - suspected murder

9/17/2020, 10:37:52 PM

A man in his 55s has been found dead in an apartment building in Märsta. - We believe that a man was killed, says the police officer on duty Jari Kalliorinne.

At 22.34, the police were alerted to Märsta, north of Stockholm municipality.

Police found a dead man in his 55s in an apartment building.

- We believe that a man was killed, says the police officer on duty Jari Kalliorinne.

Why do you think so?

- We found a dead man there.

What we have found indicates that someone else caused it.

Has any shooting been reported?

- Not that I know of.

A 35-year-old man suspected of murder has been arrested.

The police will now hold interrogations and knock on doors.

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