Teller Report

Coronavirus: more than 30 million cases reported worldwide

9/17/2020, 8:56:04 PM

After being struck first by the Covid-19 pandemic, Asia is again the region of the world that has recorded the most new cases over the last seven days, including more than 8 out of 10 in India alone.

After being struck first by the Covid-19 pandemic, Asia is again the region of the world that has recorded the most new cases over the last seven days, including more than 8 out of 10 in India alone.

More than 30 million cases of coronavirus have been officially recorded worldwide, according to a count made by AFP from official sources Thursday at 7.45 p.m. GMT.

In total, at least 30,000,062 cases, including 943,086 deaths, have been reported.

More than half of the cases are located in the United States, India and Brazil, the three most affected countries with respectively 6,650,570 cases (197,364 deaths), 5,118,253 infections (83,198 deaths) and 4,419,083 cases ( 134,106 deaths).

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One million more cases detected approximately every 4 days

The pace of the pandemic appears to be stabilizing globally globally, with one million additional cases detected roughly every 4 days since mid-July.

It was 94 days between the announcement of the first official case in China and the census of a million infections worldwide, then 86 more days to exceed the milestone of 10 million cases reported on June 28.

The number of known infections has since tripled, in just over two and a half months.

After being struck first by the Covid-19 pandemic, Asia is again the region of the world that has recorded the most new cases over the last seven days (742,286), including more than 8 out of 10 in India alone .

Latin America and the Caribbean (493,120), Europe (327,524), Canada and the United States (273,339), the Middle East (111,986), Africa (52,584) and Oceania (548) follow. ).


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Nearly 8.5 million cases in Latin America

In total, behind Latin America (8,484,443 including 316,827 deaths), Asia had 6,861,965 cases for 120,334 deaths, ahead of Canada and the United States (6,791,109, 206,602), Europe (4,700 .387, 223.849) and the Middle East (1.750.232, 41.254).

Africa (1,381,036, 33,324), is the least affected continent after Oceania (30,890, 896).

On this continent, half of the cases were recorded in South Africa (nearly 654,000).

India is the country with the most new infections over the last week (650,231), followed by the US (267 995), Brazil (221,194), Argentina (76 719) and Spain (70,981)

The The pace of the increase in the number of new cases has increased sharply in the United Kingdom over the past seven days (+ 39%), as well as in Canada (+ 22%).

It is also up in France (+ 19%), Brazil (+ 11%), the United States (+ 9%) and India (+ 8%) while it fell in Italy (-2% ).

The figure for the number of infections only reflects a share of the actual number of cases, with many countries using the tests only for tracing or not having sufficient resources to carry out large-scale screening campaigns.

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