Teller Report

"Global Health" is concerned about the level of infection transmission in Europe

9/17/2020, 10:11:10 PM

Yesterday, the World Health Organization revealed "alarming" rates of "Covid-19" infection transmission in Europe, expressing its fear also about shortening the quarantine period adopted by some countries such as France, while it issued a charter to ensure the safety of health workers. For the health organization a

It issued a charter to ensure the safety of health workers

"Global Health" is concerned about the level of infection transmission in Europe

Passers-by on a London street wearing protective masks, amid the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.


Yesterday, the World Health Organization revealed "alarming" rates of "Covid-19" infection in Europe, expressing its fear of shortening the quarantine period adopted by some countries such as France, while it issued a charter to ensure the safety of health workers.

In detail, the Regional Director of the World Health Organization in Europe, Hans Kluge, said that the numbers of injuries that were recorded in September "should serve as a wake-up call for all of us."

He added at a press conference in Copenhagen, "Although these numbers reflect the conduct of checks on a larger scale, they also reveal alarming rates of infection transmission throughout the region."

In the WHO's Europe region, which includes 53 countries, including Russia, there are about five million official infections and more than 227,000 deaths related to the virus, according to the organization’s figures.

The organization confirmed that it will not change its guidelines regarding the 14-day quarantine period for anyone exposed to the emerging corona virus.

"Our recommendation for a 14-day quarantine period is based on our understanding of the incubation period of disease and infection. We will only review this on the basis of a change in our understanding of science," said Catherine Smallwood, emergency officer at the organization’s European branch.

In France, for example, the recommended quarantine time in the event of exposure to the virus has been reduced to seven days.

This period is now 10 days in Britain and Ireland, while several European countries, such as Portugal and Croatia, are currently considering reducing the recommended period.

Yesterday, the authorities of the Madrid region, the epicenter of the epidemic in Europe, retreated from an announcement issued, the day before yesterday, to adopt procedures for closure and isolation in the future in certain places that witness the largest increase in "Covid-19" injuries.

The official for judicial affairs in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Enrique Lopez, said that the word "closure raises concern", stressing that the local authorities only intend to "limit movement and communication" between people.

In Spain, injuries exceeded the 600,000 mark, with 60,000 deaths.

And British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that we should "be strict now" to contain the second wave, which he compared to the second camel hump, and to save Christmas, which is one of the main events in the country.

He called on citizens to respect the ban on gatherings of more than six people in England.

At the Ukrainian-Belarus border, about 2,000 religious Jews are still stranded, while Israel called on them to return with no opportunities to participate in traditional ceremonies in Ukraine due to the closure of its borders to foreigners due to the epidemic.

Future vaccines to fight the emerging corona virus have entered the force of the presidential election campaign in the United States.

US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said, “The president's first responsibility (Donald Trump) is to protect the American people, and he did not."

This makes him completely unfit to take over the presidency.

Many rich countries, including the United Kingdom, the European Union and Japan, followed the approach of the United States, which signed several contracts with laboratories to ensure access to the first available doses, according to a report issued by the non-governmental organization Oxfam.

The organization calculated that these countries, which represent 13% of the world's population, had previously purchased half of the future doses of "Covid-19" vaccines.

These countries are procuring a precaution from several competing manufacturers, in the hope that at least one of the vaccines will be effective.

But the report emphasizes the difficulty that a part of the world population will face in obtaining vaccines in the first stage, while Washington boycotted the Kovacs Global Vaccine Facility (the global joint vaccine program against the emerging corona virus) developed by the World Health Organization, which lacks funding.

The epidemic continues to harm societies, as the World Bank said Wednesday that it may undo the great progress made in the past decade in the education and health sector, especially in the poorest countries.

In the second quarter of this year, the New Zealand economy recorded a historic contraction of 12.2%, according to official data published the day before yesterday, which also confirmed that the country had officially entered an economic recession.

The new Corona virus has killed more than 941,000 people at least, while about 30 million infections have been recorded in the world since the start of its outbreak at the end of December, according to a census compiled by the Agence France-Presse agency, yesterday.

The World Health Organization issued a charter to ensure the safety of health workers in order to preserve the safety of patients.

During a press conference held in Geneva yesterday, coinciding with World Patient Safety Day, the organization called on governments and health care leaders to address the ongoing threats to the health and safety of health workers and patients.

The Director-General of the Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that no country, hospital, or clinic can maintain the safety of its patients unless it maintains the safety of its health workers, stressing that the WHO Health Workers Safety Charter is a step towards ensuring that health workers have access to conditions. Safe work, training, pay and the respect they deserve.

The charter called for five measures to be taken to better protect health workers, including protecting health workers from violence, improving their mental health, protecting them from physical and biological hazards, strengthening national programs for the safety of health workers, in addition to linking health worker safety policies with current patient safety policies.

- The injuries exceeded

In Spain

Threshold of 600 thousand cases

With 60 thousand deaths.

The organization confirmed that it will not change its guidelines regarding the 14-day quarantine period for anyone exposed to the virus.

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