Teller Report

Venezuela: Maduro and ministers behind crimes against humanity, according to the UN

9/16/2020, 7:58:51 PM

According to a report presented this Wednesday, September 16 by United Nations investigators, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and members of his government are at the origin of possible ...

Venezuela: Maduro and ministers behind crimes against humanity, according to the UN

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, here in Caracas on March 12, 2020. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

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According to a report presented this Wednesday, September 16 by United Nations investigators, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and members of his government are at the origin of possible crimes against humanity in Venezuela.


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This report was expected and, according to many experts, its conclusions could not be different.

Despite the impossibility of going there to carry out their work, the United Nations investigators have acquired the certainty that President Nicolas Maduro, as well as the Minister of Defense and that of the Interior have " 

given orders or coordinated activities leading to serious human rights violations


The survey is based on more than 270 interviews conducted remotely with victims.

According to Marta Valinas, the head of the UN investigators, these acts are far from isolated.


These crimes were coordinated and committed in the name of state directives with full knowledge of the facts and with the direct support of senior officers and senior government officials,

 ” she said.

The latter asked the Venezuelan authorities to immediately open "

independent, impartial and transparent




But there is little chance that the Venezuelan justice, itself in the hands of power, does not carry out investigations.

Hence this appeal to the International Criminal Court and other bodies which, according to the UN, should consider legal proceedings against those responsible for these human rights violations.


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  • Venezuela

  • Human rights

  • UN

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