Teller Report

Truths from fakes in several photos of the fires in California

9/16/2020, 4:14:20 PM

"20 Minutes" takes stock of pictures that claim to show the fires that are ravaging California27 major fires affect California with more than 1.2 million hectares destroyed - Brittany Hosea-Small / AFP The disturbing images of the red sky of San Francisco, worthy of a dystopian blockbuster, have been around the world. Since the night of August 16, 27 major fires have affected California, which the 16,000 firefighters are trying to control. On the counter, this state in the western United S

27 major fires affect California with more than 1.2 million hectares destroyed -

Brittany Hosea-Small / AFP

The disturbing images of the red sky of San Francisco, worthy of a dystopian blockbuster, have been around the world.

Since the night of August 16, 27 major fires have affected California, which the 16,000 firefighters are trying to control.

On the counter, this state in the western United States has recorded more than 1.2 million hectares destroyed.

Among the images circulating on social networks, it is difficult to disentangle the true from the false as the photos of "mega-fire", which have been on the increase in recent years, are similar. 

20 Minutes

 sorts the true from the false in this stream of images.

  • Elevated view of Golden Gate Bridge: true

São Paulo, inverno:

33ºC Leeds, verão: 10ºC

São Francisco ontem: Laranja

Esse ano o mundo realmente falou "foda-se essa merda! Vô atravessar o rolê"

- Marco Gomez 🇪🇸🇬🇧 (@marcogomez_) September 10, 2020

The blood red sky, impervious to the sun's rays and overlooking the famous Golden Gate of San Francisco will have marked the spirits, where for many, the resemblance to a scene straight out of the film

Blade Runner 2049

 is striking.

Extracted from a video shot by a drone and posted on YouTube, the image is a shot among a dozen where we see the city of San Francisco from different angles, September 9 at 11 am “when the weather should be fine. clear and sunny ”as its author - anonymous - indicates on his YouTube channel.

Another YouTuber took the comparison with

Blade Runner 2049 even further

by affixing to these images a distressing soundtrack from the film.

The video, posted just over a week ago, has now reached nearly a million views.

Several photos of the orange sky of San Francisco, Wednesday, September 9, were published in the press, in particular in

20 Minutes


  • The fire-breathing cloud dragon ”: true

This massive cloud is the result of the Creek Fire, in the Sierra National Forest in California.

Impressive in size, it is formed when dry air from a forest fire or volcano meets moist air floating a few kilometers above the earth.

Called pyrocumulonimbus, this phenomenon is extremely rare and could be the largest to have ever taken shape in the United States.

" I have never seen that.

Its shape reminded me of the huge tree of life in Disney World, because it looked like it had roots, ”

Thalia Dockery


San Francisco Chronicles

the author of the photos that went viral.

She was a passenger on a flight from San Jose to Las Vegas when she took the photos on September 6.

  • A sunset seen from the fiery red sky: false

#PrayForOregon #PrayforCalifornia

# creekfire2020 hell on earth # 🔥

- ELECTRA PANTHER ⚡ (@ElectraPanther) September 11, 2020

Dating from 2018, this photo of a fiery red sky at sunset has, from its earliest hours, been used to represent various fires that have occurred in California.

Although these misuses were already detected at the time by an American fact-checking site, Snopes, the image has emerged again in recent days, with less resonance nonetheless than the previous two.

It is actually a sunset in Hawaii, captured by a traveler on a plane: “To be honest, I almost dropped my camera while taking in the wonderful view through my window.

I immediately took pictures and videos.

[A few days after posting the photos] I heard someone stole them saying they were from the California wildfires.

A few agencies have contacted me about this, including Snopes and Forbes.

After a few days, they wrote fact-checking articles to stop the confusion, ”explains the author of the photos on his YouTube channel.

View this post on Instagram

"I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! 🔥. Luke 12:49... Https:// This post is a sunset 🌅. #Nofilter #Love # 30000feet #Oahu #Honolulu #sunset

A post shared by Nathan Province [SOC] 20 (@ nprovince101) on Jul 22, 2018 at 2:47 pm PDT


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  • Fire

  • Fake off

  • United States

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