Teller Report

Trankov called Medvedeva's return to Tutberidze a logical decision

9/16/2020, 11:29:14 AM

Two-time Olympic champion Maxim Trankov praised the return of Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva to the group of coach Eteri Tutberidze.

“This news came as a surprise to everyone.

But if you analyze the situation, then this can be called the right decision.

All of our athletes who train outside of Russia have serious problems with movement and funding.

And many began to make alternative decisions, ”RIA Novosti quotes Trankova.

He noted that there are obligatory Russian starts for the selection for the national championship, and that the decision is correct, since under the leadership of Tutberidze Medvedeva achieved the greatest success.

“So this decision is quite logical.

If you choose from Russian specialists, then Eteri Georgievna is the best coach in Russia and in the world working with women's single skating, "Trankov added.

20-year-old Medvedeva is a two-time world and European champion, and she also won a silver medal at the 2018 Olympics.

After the OI-2018, the Russian woman left the Tutberidze group and began working with Canadian coach Brian Orser.

On September 16, information appeared that Medvedeva returned to the Russian specialist.

This was confirmed by the Khrustalny department of the Sambo-70 Sports and Education Center.

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