Teller Report

The music market in France suffers but resists the Covid-19

9/16/2020, 3:38:27 PM

Streaming made up for the decline in physical salesIn the era of streaming, artists are calling for a fairer distribution of income between artists and music producers. - Pixabay Physical sales at half mast but a resilient digital component. The recorded music market in France shows "just positive results" (+ 0.4%) in the first half of 2020, marked by the health crisis, the National Union of Phonographic Publishing (Snep ). This "sudden slowdown i

In the era of streaming, artists are calling for a fairer distribution of income between artists and music producers.



Physical sales at half mast but a resilient digital component.

The recorded music market in France shows "just positive results" (+ 0.4%) in the first half of 2020, marked by the health crisis, the National Union of Phonographic Publishing (Snep ).

This "sudden slowdown in growth found in recent years" is of course "attributable to the consequences" of the epidemic and "to the confinement period of last spring".

The "efforts" of music producers, "alongside artists" to find "innovative exhibition windows" are welcomed by Snep.

Its managing director Alexandre Lasch also emphasizes "the progression of streaming (+ 17.7%)", which, combined with the mobilization of the music industry, "made it possible to offset the marked decline in physical sales (-36 , 8%) due to the closure of most points of sale ”.

The Snep wants to be optimistic for the future

"Given the close link and the complementarity between recorded music and the stage, it is essential that the concerts resume as soon as possible in satisfactory economic and health conditions", concludes the manager.

The Snep wants to be optimistic for the future: "a first half which traditionally weighs only 40% of the annual market, outputs delayed for the second part of the year in addition to those initially planned and the encouraging signs observed on sales physical since deconfinement, are all positive indicators to reasonably hope for sustained consumption over the coming months ”.

However, Snep urges the public authorities "to maintain and improve the support mechanisms for relaunching the recorded music market, in particular through the National Music Center".


To better remunerate artists, "the solution is paid streaming", explains Denis Thébaud, from Qobuz


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