Teller Report

The government is not doing enough against the Covid for 47% of respondents

9/16/2020, 12:35:38 PM

62% of French people surveyed do not trust the government to manage the health crisisJean Castex, the Prime Minister, in the National Assembly. - NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA Nearly one in two French people (47%) think that the government is not taking "enough precautions" to limit the spread of the coronavirus in view of the measures taken, indicates an Elabe poll for BFMTV published on Wednesday. Conversely, 20% consider that the government is taking “too many precautions”, and 33% c

Jean Castex, the Prime Minister, in the National Assembly.



Nearly one in two French people (47%) think that the government is not taking "enough precautions" to limit the spread of the coronavirus in view of the measures taken, indicates an Elabe poll for BFMTV published on Wednesday.

Conversely, 20% consider that the government is taking “too many precautions”, and 33% consider that it is doing “just the right thing”.

In addition, 62% “do not trust” the executive to fight against the coronavirus epidemic (+6 points compared to the previous poll carried out on August 25 and 26), while 38% “trust” it ( -5 points).

Among the concessions that the French are ready to make to curb the spread of the virus, the obligation to telework comes out on top with 84% of people "in favor" of this measure.

On the other hand, a national reconfinement is rejected by 76% of those polled, but 68% are in favor of measures of “local containment in the agglomerations most affected by the virus”.

In addition, 68% of people questioned say they are "worried" about the spread of the virus, against 74% in the previous survey carried out, a drop of 6 points, and 31% "not worried" (+5 points).


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Poll conducted by Internet on September 15 with a sample of 1,000 people representative of the population aged at least 18 years, according to the quota method.

  • Jean Castex

  • Government

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Survey

  • Health