Teller Report

The explosion is coming .. Two opponents expect a sudden popular movement in Egypt

9/16/2020, 9:05:09 PM

Former member of the Defense and National Security Committee of the Egyptian Shura Council, Tharwat Nafeh, said that there has been a "popular explosion". Coming in Egypt, indicating that the regime is either trying to deny that, or at least postpone it.

Nafeh expected - in an interview for the episode (9/16/2020) of the "Without Borders" program - that the Egyptian people would explode at an unspecified moment, which may come for unexpected reasons, stressing that the regime insists on non-reconciliation and tightening the security grip, and to show this grip And exporting it to everyone with the aim of intimidation and deterrence.

However, Nafeh believed that the calls to demonstrate on September 20 will not receive the response that some hope, despite his acknowledgment of the rising anger in the Egyptian street, but he considered that repeated use of the same method will not lead to the desired result.

He recalled that the demonstrations that took place on the same date last year were spontaneous, and non-politicized citizens came out until the opposition parties began to push the contractor and artist Muhammad Ali - who called for these demonstrations - to follow the same path that they are taking, and proved his failure before.

The academic and political researcher at the Free University of Berlin agreed with Nafeh in his expectation that mass demonstrations would not take place in the coming days, indicating the existence of a state of domination by state agencies on the Egyptian political scene, matched by a political vacuum of elites, parties and the opposition in general.

Al-Khatib clarified that the current authority believes that “the street is a red line,” and that the area of ​​freedom that ousted President Hosni Mubarak previously allowed was what led to the January 25, 2011 revolution, which is what the regime currently fears.

Former parliamentarian Tharwat Nafeh returned to blame the Egyptian opposition, which did not develop its mechanisms and still insists on using old methods, as well as the failure to bring its spectators together, he said.

Here, al-Khatib indicated that the opposition bears a large part of the current reality, because its crises are deeper, due to the absence of any real political project for it, in addition to the existing state of political polarization, according to his opinion.

Al-Khatib believed that the Egyptian system is based on the idea that “the sovereignty and authority is the state and not the people.” Therefore, it reduces all matters of running the people's lives in the state that are reduced to its bureaucratic apparatus, foremost of which is the security services.

Tharwat Nafeh pointed out that the regime of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is no longer looking for its popularity or image among the people, but rather takes decisions that increase its control of power.

The political researcher justified the retreat of the Egyptian regime in the case of demolishing houses in violation of the fact that the Reconciliation Law - which the demolitions are based on - was born dead because it did not take into account the social dimension, which prompted the people to confront the demolitions, and then the regime feared a state of daring about it. For those affected.

But Tharwat Nafeh saw that the regime’s review of the house demolition file was merely a tactical retreat, because the confrontation occurred with non-politicized popular factions, which is what the regime fears.