Teller Report

Right-angled shoulders, A4 waist... Are these "body challenges" really scientific? -Chinanews video

9/16/2020, 11:47:08 PM

  [Subtitle] Right-angled shoulders, A4 waist, IPhone legs, clavicle putting coins, backhand touching the belly button...On the Internet, various "body challenges" are emerging in endlessly. Are these "body challenges" really scientific? Can they really be used to measure a person's fatness? Let the doctors tell you!   [Subtitles] Right-angled shoulder: It may be a problem with muscle development

  [Subtitle] Right-angled shoulders, A4 waist, IPhone legs, clavicle putting coins, backhand touching the belly button...On the Internet, various "body challenges" are emerging in endlessly.

Are these "body challenges" really scientific?

Can they really be used to measure a person's fatness?

Let the doctors tell you!

  [Subtitles] Right-angled shoulder: It may be a problem with muscle development

  [Concurrent] Zeng Zheng, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  (Shoulder and horizontal plane) generally 10 degrees to 30 degrees is a relatively normal range, so (the angle between the horizontal plane) 0 degrees, or 90 degrees with the vertical (angle) is often abnormal.

Because of the physiology, the connection between the lowest point of the neck and the shoulder is often related to the degree of muscle roundness. There is a certain curve. If it reaches a right angle, it often proves that there is a problem with his muscle development.

  [Subtitle] A4 waist: a thin waist is a good thing, but A4 paper is not a scientific standard

  [Concurrent] Xu Yingxia, Deputy Chief Physician, Clinical Nutrition Department, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  In fact, waist circumference itself is an indicator of obesity. For example, if a woman's waist circumference is greater than 80 cm, and a man's waist circumference is greater than 85 cm, we can diagnose him as obesity.

But now there is a popular saying that A4 waist, A4 paper waist is not reachable by everyone, it is different from each of us bone structure and each person's height.

  [Subtitle] IPhone legs: Generally adult bones should be wider than IPhone

  [Concurrent] Zeng Zheng, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  IPhone legs mean that the width of the knees is less than the width of the IPhone, which is less than or equal to 138 mm. For a normal adult femur, its width should be about 80 (mm), so the width of the two knee joints is bare femur. It should be 160 mm, so it is more than 138 mm of the IPhone, which does not include the ligaments, muscles, subcutaneous fat, and skin around the knee joint.

  【Subtitle】Put coins on collarbone: Fatty can do it too

  [Concurrent] Zeng Zheng, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  This really doesn’t reflect anything. Put coins on the collarbone. Many people can actually put coins on the collarbone and place them on the outer side of the collarbone. In fact, it just reflects that the collarbone is flat, because the collarbone is in an S shape. He can put it on as long as the outer side of the clavicle is relatively flat.

  [Subtitle] Touching the belly button with backhand: may cause dislocation

  [Concurrent] Zeng Zheng, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  Touching the belly button with backhand mainly reflects that the first one must be thin, and then it mainly reflects the flexibility of a joint and the laxity of ligaments.

It is actually dangerous to do this specially. If someone does this backhand to touch the belly button, the shoulder joint will be dislocated.

  [Subtitle] So, what is the standard for a good figure?

  [Concurrent] Xu Yingxia, Deputy Chief Physician, Clinical Nutrition Department, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  The evaluation of obesity has several dimensions. One is that the height minus 105 is the ideal weight, depending on whether your ideal weight is qualified, and the other is the evaluation of body fat rate. Now it can be measured by body composition. Our women’s body fat rate is maintained 20%-25% is more appropriate.

There is also the most common BMI index, the body mass index. Using this index to calculate is the weight in kilograms divided by the height of the meter square, (to be within) 18.5-24.

  [Subtitle] So, how to lose weight scientifically?

  [Concurrent] Xu Yingxia, Deputy Chief Physician, Clinical Nutrition Department, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

  In fact, for weight loss, weight is still related to daily energy, and the source of energy is what I eat in my mouth.

The other is consumption. For example, we increase the amount of activity.

It must be through these two channels, such exercises, to achieve results.

  Reporter Wen Mengxin reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】

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