Teller Report

H & M Suspended transactions with some Chinese manufacturers

9/16/2020, 9:20:14 PM

[NHK] Swedish apparel giant H & M has been pointed out that it is benefiting from forced labor by Chinese minorities and Uighurs ...

H & M Suspended dealings with some Chinese manufacturers September 17, 6:14


Swedish apparel giant H & M has announced that it will suspend transactions with some Chinese manufacturers after being pointed out that it is benefiting from forced labor by Chinese minorities and Uighurs.

The issue was published in a report released in March by an Australian research institute, where at least 82 of the world's largest companies in areas such as clothing, automobiles and technology were directly affected by forced labor by Uighurs. He pointed out that he was indirectly profitable, and the name of H & M was mentioned in this.

Under these circumstances, H & M issued a statement stating that it would suspend transactions with a Chinese manufacturer that operates a factory allegedly forced labor, alleging that it had an indirect transaction with this manufacturer. ..

In addition, it has decided to cancel the procurement of cotton from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China.

With more than 1,700 production bases related to H & M in the world, he emphasizes that if a company involved in forced labor is found, it will be dealt with immediately.

Regarding the issue of forced labor, the Trump administration of the United States announced on the 14th that some of the products produced in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region were suspected of being produced by forced labor, while the Chinese government announced measures to suspend imports. Is strongly repulsing, and as the exchange between the United States and China continues, the response of companies is also the focus.