Teller Report

Self-isolation regime for Cabinet members canceled in Ireland

9/15/2020, 11:52:51 PM

Doctors did not find a coronavirus infection in the head of the Ministry of Health of Ireland Stephen Donnelly, as a result of which it was decided to cancel the self-isolation regime for other members of the country's government.

According to RTE News, earlier Donnelly was tested for coronavirus because of poor health, and the entire cabinet was sent to self-isolation as a precaution.

As the head of the Ministry of Health noted, doctors recently told him that his test showed a negative result.

In this regard, ministers no longer need to restrict their movements.

Earlier, the World Health Organization (WHO) named the number of detected cases of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the world.

In July, the FAN reported that the head of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine of the I.M. Sechenov, the chief freelance epidemiologist of the Russian Ministry of Health Nikolai Briko called the difficult situation with COVID-19 in the world.