Teller Report

Road safety: 19% drop in death toll in August

9/15/2020, 10:01:56 AM

235 people lost their lives on the roads of France in August, against 290 in August 2019, or 55 less and a decrease of 19%. While the trend is downward for motorists, on the other hand, more cyclists (22) and pedestrians (43) have died compared to August 2019.

235 people lost their lives on the roads of France in August, against 290 in August 2019, or 55 less and a decrease of 19%.

While the trend is downward for motorists, on the other hand, more cyclists (22) and pedestrians (43) have died compared to August 2019.

The number of people killed on the roads of mainland France fell by 19% in August, according to road safety figures released Tuesday.

A total of 235 people died against 290 in August 2019, or 55 fewer.

Over the period from June to August, marked by a drop in automobile traffic due to the health crisis, mortality is 25% lower compared to the average for the same periods between 2015 and 2019, specifies Road Safety.

Road fatalities fell 29.1% in June and 11.3% in July.

More cyclists and pedestrians killed

Overseas roads were more deadly last month since 13 people lost their lives there, two more than in August 2019. In mainland France, the drop in August mainly concerns motorists (108 killed) and motorcyclists (43), which "have never been so low in the last ten years, for one month of August".

On the other hand, more cyclists (22) and pedestrians (43) died compared to August 2019. The number of bodily accidents (4,339, + 2%) and injuries (6,682, + 1.2%) is also in rise.