Teller Report

Ongoing police operation in central Sundsvall

9/15/2020, 7:25:51 PM

A police operation is underway in Sundsvall. But the police do not want to tell what it is about. - I can only say that we have an ongoing case, says Maria Linné, the police's spokesperson in the northern region.

According to Sundsvall's newspaper, the police have been on site in central Sundsvall with several police cars, dog patrols and even an ambulance.

But what is going on is unclear - the police are the companies.

- We still have an ongoing case, but what it is about I can not go into, says Maria Linné at 21.15.

Is any person arrested?

- No, but I can say that there is no danger to the public.

It is unclear whether the police will be able to provide any information on Tuesday evening.