Teller Report

France records more than 7,000 cases of Coronavirus

9/15/2020, 8:55:57 PM

On Tuesday, the French Ministry of Health announced the registration of 7,852 new confirmed cases of the Coronavirus during the past twenty-four hours, up from the 6,158 cases recorded on Monday.

France records more than 7,000 cases of Coronavirus

On Tuesday, the French Ministry of Health announced the registration of 7,852 new confirmed cases of Coronavirus during the past 24 hours, up from the 6,158 cases recorded on Monday.

The ministry also said in its daily online update that the number of cases admitted to hospitals due to Covid-19 during the past seven days increased to 2,713 cases compared to what was recorded on Monday, which is 2561 cases.

The number of deaths due to Covid-19 in France rose to 30,999, after 37 new deaths were recorded.

The total number of HIV cases now in France has reached 395,104.

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