Teller Report

Corona today ... the Irish government is isolating itself, and Brazil expands vaccine trials

9/15/2020, 11:40:51 PM

The Irish government decided to quarantine its members after the Minister of Health became sick and conducted an examination to detect the Corona virus, while Brazil expanded its experiments on volunteers to develop the Oxford vaccine.

The Irish government decided to quarantine its members after the Minister of Health became sick and conducted an examination to detect the Corona virus, while Brazil expanded its experiments on volunteers to develop the Oxford vaccine.

What follows are the latest news and developments related to the outbreak of the Coronavirus today, Wednesday, September 16, 2020, according to the time of Makkah.

00:45 - More than 29.39 million infected people in the world

A Reuters statistics showed that more than 29.39 million people were infected with the new Corona virus worldwide, while the total number of deaths reached 928,463 cases.

HIV infections have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019.

The United States of America topped the list, with 6 million and 572 thousand and 9 injuries, and 194,594 deaths.

India came in second place in terms of the number of injured, registering 4 million 930,236 injuries and 80,776 deaths.

Brazil ranked third in terms of the number of injured, registering 4 million 345 thousand and 610 injuries, and 132 thousand and 6 deaths, which is the second largest number of deaths in the world after the United States.

And Russia came in fourth place in terms of the number of injured, as it recorded one million 68,320 cases and 18,635 deaths.

A coronavirus detection center in London (Getty Images)

00:40 - slight rise in America

Coronavirus cases in the United States increased by 0.7% compared to the same time yesterday.

The number of new infections reached 28,924 and 893 new deaths, and the increase in cases nationwide exceeded the average daily increase over the past week of 0.6%.

The state of California recorded the largest number of confirmed cases, reaching 766,441, an increase of 0.3% over the same time yesterday.

00:35 - Brazil expands Oxford vaccine trials

According to a statement, the National Health Monitoring Agency in Brazil, "Infisa", has allowed to double the number of volunteers participating in the third phase of Covid-19 vaccine trials, conducted by the University of Oxford in cooperation with AstraZeneca, from 5,000 to 10,000 in Brazil, according to Bloomberg. For the news.

The Health Monitoring Agency indicated that the age range of the participants was expanded to include people over the age of 69.

The trials will also take place in the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, where the trials are currently underway.

00:30 - Israel ... 8 deaths, 3,189 injuries

The Israeli Ministry of Health announced the registration of 8 deaths and 3,189 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the number of people infected in Israel to 164,402, including 1,147 deaths, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

In Israel currently, 42,528 active cases, including 534 in a condition described as critical, 138 of them are connected to ventilators, according to the same source.

Italy reopens schools amid major precautionary measures (Getty Images)

00:15 - Libya records 15 deaths, 629 injuries

Libya announced the registration of 15 deaths from Corona, in addition to 629 cases of the virus, according to official data.

The National Center for Disease Control reported 490 recoveries from the virus.

The (government) center stated, in a statement, that the total number of injuries reached 24,144, including 383 deaths, and 13,252 recoveries.

00:00 - The Irish government quarantines itself after the health minister becomes ill

Irish Parliament Speaker Sean Overgill said parliament had suspended its work for a week and that cabinet members had been told to self-isolate after Health Minister Stephen Donnelly became ill.

"Based on the events that took place today, it has become necessary for the government to isolate itself, and therefore there is no possibility to do the work, and Parliament's work remains suspended until next Tuesday or until the prime minister's directives are issued to me," Overgel said.

In turn, Irish state television said Donnelly had requested a test for COVID-19 on Tuesday afternoon, and his office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Irish health officials recorded more than 31,000 cases of coronavirus, and 68 people were hospitalized on Tuesday after it was confirmed that they were infected with the virus.

To know the developments of the spread of the Corona virus across the world yesterday, Tuesday, please click here