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Abdullah bin Zayed: Establishing relations between the UAE and Israel is a historic diplomatic achievement and hope for the region

9/15/2020, 10:26:14 PM

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, affirmed that establishing normal relations between the UAE and the State of Israel is a historic diplomatic achievement and a hopeful sign that progress in the Middle East is possible. And His Highness said in an article in his newspaper.

In an article in the Wall Street Journal

Abdullah bin Zayed: Establishing relations between the UAE and Israel is a historic diplomatic achievement and hope for the region

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, affirmed that establishing normal relations between the UAE and the State of Israel is a historic diplomatic achievement and a hopeful sign that progress in the Middle East is possible.

His Highness said in an article in the Wall Street Journal that progress on the Palestinian issue is a central point. The Emirati-Israeli treaty has halted plans for annexation, and the Palestinian leadership must take advantage of this moment to reorganize its approach and prepare to re-engage in fruitful discussions, as it is. It's always like you will get full support from the UAE.

The following is the text of the article ..

Two weeks ago, the El Al Airlines plane landed in Abu Dhabi on the first Israeli commercial flight coming from Tel Aviv, where it carried a large delegation of Israeli officials and media.

Abdullah bin Zayed:

The UAE-Israel treaty halted annexation plans, and the Palestinian leadership should take advantage of this moment to reorganize its approach and prepare to re-engage in fruitful discussions.

The plane carried a large, clear message written in letters about two feet high on the plane's cockpit, "Peace" in Arabic, English and Hebrew.

Establishing normal relations between the UAE and the State of Israel is a historic diplomatic achievement and a hopeful sign that progress in the Middle East is possible, and last week the Kingdom of Bahrain announced its intention to establish full diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, which is seen as an opportunity for a new approach. To meet the challenges of the region ... and in a region and era full of bad news, that announcement represents a sign of optimism to find opportunities instead of conflict and suffering.

Obviously, overcoming the challenges will be difficult, as there are a number of non-Arab states and non-state actors in the axis of permanent "resistance" who defend extremism in its various forms, and they feel nostalgic for lost empires or are obsessed with establishing a new caliphate, and they feed and grow on conflict. And chaos and instability, and they are the ones attacking the United States, the State of Israel and the UAE, and they were among the most vocal critics of the treaty.

Signing the peace treaty today is the best response to these, and it is a reminder that the Emirati and Israeli people and all the peoples of the Middle East are tired of conflict, and the priority now is to continue modernizing our societies and achieving stability in the entire region.

Better relations between the Arab states and the State of Israel will help achieve this, but we must go further and faster on other fronts of cooperation as well.

The first and most urgent priority is to de-escalate tensions and initiate a regional dialogue on peace and security. We need normal relations with our neighbors. Effective and verifiable non-proliferation and non-interference pacts are the goal, but with low expectations and very high stakes, modest progress on issues like aid is achieved. Humanity and the fight against Coronavirus will build confidence.

The support and participation of the United States is also crucial. US President Donald Trump has called for new talks next year, and former Vice President Joe Biden has made clear that he will present a new initiative as well, and that is why the Gulf states must participate directly in any dialogue, and it must be The agenda is comprehensive.

The second priority is to expand the community of peaceful coexistence. The permanent resistance and sectarian extremism have led to the spread of a deadly pandemic of chaos and strife for decades, and in the UAE we are trying to set a different example .. We are committed to the true principles of Islam, moderation, integration and peace, and we hosted the first visit. Pope Francis did it for the Arabian Peninsula last year, and we are also working on building a house for the Abrahamic family that includes the three religions in Abu Dhabi, as the complex includes a mosque, a church and a synagogue.

The third priority is to build a strong engine for economic and cultural exchange capable of generating opportunities and understanding in all parts of the region, from the Gulf to the Red Sea through the Suez Canal to the eastern Mediterranean. The Arabian Peninsula extending is the crossroads of the world.

The UAE and the State of Israel should use their advanced economies, infrastructure, large markets, investment funds, educational institutions, and human capital, to ensure that benefits accrue to Jordanians, Egyptians, Palestinians and others.

Progress on the Palestinian issue is also a central point. The Emirati-Israeli treaty has halted annexation plans, and the Palestinian leadership should take advantage of this moment to reorganize its approach and prepare to re-engage in fruitful discussions, and as is always the case, it will receive the full support of the UAE, especially as These efforts now have more weight in light of direct relations with the State of Israel .. The pace and scope of relations will not be separated from the merits and progress in the issue of establishing the Palestinian state.

Finally, the establishment of relations indicates the importance of the role of the United States of America and the transformation in the Middle East. These relations can only occur through the influence of American diplomacy and the reaffirmation of its security commitments.

At the same time, it will benefit the United States by sharing the burden of regional stability with a stronger team of reliable and willing partners.

In a difficult year and in a difficult region, the peace treaty constitutes a bright starting point for the future of the Middle East, and the UAE and the State of Israel have set off towards an active start of cooperation on the emerging corona virus, technology, space, energy, investment and food security. The Israelis will also start regular trips between the two countries next year, and these and thousands of other small and big steps will carry the message of peace in English, Hebrew and Arabic throughout the region.

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