Teller Report

14 ethical standards for social care professionals in Abu Dhabi

9/15/2020, 10:26:02 PM

The Department of Community Development - Abu Dhabi has set 14 ethical standards for licensed professionals working in the field of social care in the emirate, to ensure that the beneficiaries and those close to them are treated with respect, their interests are protected, and the emotional, psychological, social and physical needs of the beneficiaries are taken into consideration.

Department of Community Development affirmed maintaining the confidentiality of data and respecting the privacy of beneficiaries

14 ethical standards for social care professionals in Abu Dhabi

The Department has developed a code of practice and professional ethics to protect the rights of beneficiaries.

From the source

The Department of Community Development - Abu Dhabi has set 14 ethical standards for licensed professionals working in the field of social care in the emirate, to ensure that the beneficiaries and those close to them are treated with respect, protect their interests, take into account the emotional, psychological, social and physical needs of the beneficiaries, and adhere to the professional boundaries and reputation of the social care profession, and emphasized the importance of maintaining confidentiality. And respect for the privacy of the data and information of the beneficiaries of social care, and not divulging these secrets except in four cases only.

The department affirmed that organizing the provision of social services and the practice of professionals in the field of social care in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi is one of the most important change initiatives led by the department, to ensure the availability of these services at the highest levels of quality, as it will provide professional licensing and relevant standards.

Adequate protection of society and its members, by ensuring that professionals receive appropriate education and expertise, for the availability of social care services based on professional ethics and high competence, and the foundations of safe practice.

In the Code of Practice and Ethics for Social Care Professionals in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Department indicated that Emirates Today obtained a copy of it, that it has developed this charter to be one of the most important elements in organizing the social sector and providing social care services. The charter links the provision of social care services to a number of The ethical and professional values ​​and principles that define professional behavior, and the importance of the charter is closely related to serving society in general, and vulnerable groups in particular.

The department defined in the charter 14 standards for practice, behavior and professional ethics, which included protecting the beneficiaries and taking care of their interests, effective communication with the beneficiaries and those close to them, dealing and cooperating with work colleagues, delegating duties and tasks in a responsible and appropriate manner, working within the limits of the profession, knowledge and experience, maintaining confidentiality and respecting Data and information privacy, ethical use of digital technology and social media, risk management and dealing with them, reporting concerns and accidents, cooperation and commitment to transparency and complaints management, maintaining trust and integrity in all professional relationships, creating and maintaining records of work-related information, duties and responsibilities towards society, In addition to the standard of moral responsibility in the framework of carrying out scientific studies and research.

The department stressed the importance of maintaining confidentiality, respecting the privacy of data and information, dealing with all the beneficiaries' information as confidential and personal, and not disclosing the secrets of the cases that are examined during or because of the practice of the profession, noting that this prohibition does not apply to four cases, including: If it is: Disclosure of the secret upon the request of the beneficiary unless he is incompetent or not, and if the purpose of divulging the secret is to prevent the occurrence of a crime so that disclosure or reporting thereof in this case is to the competent authority only, in addition to that the professional is assigned by a judicial authority or an official investigation authority in the state As an expert, or if he was summoned by them as a witness in an investigation or a lawsuit.

She indicated that she had developed a charter of professional practice and ethics for social care professionals, to protect the rights of beneficiaries, by establishing a solid foundation for ethical and professional codes of conduct.

Report accidents

The Department of Community Development affirmed that standards of professional practices, behavior and ethics oblige social care professionals, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, to report concerns and accidents, by referring beneficiaries to a service provider licensed by the department, if he needs services outside his jurisdiction, and provides a supportive and favorable environment that encourages beneficiaries To recognize accidents, concerns or risks and deal with them, with familiarity with the relevant procedures, and to exercise the necessary care with all vigilance and foresight, and to respond to any concerns or incidents related to the safety and interest of the beneficiaries of vulnerable groups and children, and to act in a manner that always places priority on the safety and interest of the beneficiaries, in addition to Ensure that concerns or incidents are clearly documented, including documentation of procedures that have been followed.

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