Teller Report

"University First Class" talks about youth growth-Chinanews video

9/15/2020, 11:13:56 AM

  On the evening of September 13, the keynote speech event for the first lesson of the university was held at Tsinghua University. From experts of the Academy of Sciences to professors of prestigious universities, to university students, the speakers' speeches on that day were full of inspiration and encouragement for youth growth.   The event was hosted by Tencent Video and co-organized by the T

  On the evening of September 13, the keynote speech event for the first lesson of the university was held at Tsinghua University.

From experts of the Academy of Sciences to professors of prestigious universities, to university students, the speakers' speeches on that day were full of inspiration and encouragement for youth growth.

  The event was hosted by Tencent Video and co-organized by the Tsinghua University News Center. The event was hosted by the well-known host Zhu Xun, and gathered Xu Ying, a researcher at the Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a Beidou navigation system scientist, and Fu Hao, a professor at the Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University Huan, Professor Peng Lan of the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, Professor Wei Kunlin of the School of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of Peking University, and Professor Luo Xin of the Department of History of Peking University are five experts and scholars.

In addition, young actor Zhao Jinmai and Zheng Xutao, a student from the Department of Engineering Physics of Tsinghua University, also shared as youth representatives.

  The seven guests focused on "youth" and "dreams", combined with their own experiences, and talked about growth with the majority of students.

(Reporter Gao Kai edited Zeng Chen)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]