Teller Report

"An apocalypse film": in Oregon, French winegrowers worried about fires

9/15/2020, 7:29:08 PM

Unprecedented fires are raging on the west coast of the United States, including Oregon, north of California. Installed for two decades in this State, Isabelle and Bruno Corneaux evoke on Europe 1 their dismay in front of the situation, which threatens the good performance of the harvests this year.

Unprecedented fires are raging on the west coast of the United States, including Oregon, north of California.

Installed for two decades in this State, Isabelle and Bruno Corneaux evoke on Europe 1 their dismay in front of the situation, which threatens the good performance of the harvests this year.


Ocher has replaced blue.

For several weeks now, the sky over the west coast of the United States has taken on a hue that oscillates between orange and red, due to the gigantic fires that are ravaging these wooded areas.

"It will eventually cool," said Donald Trump on Tuesday, but for a couple of French wine growers who have been living in Oregon for 20 years and met by Europe 1, the concern is not waning.

Entire cities destroyed

The flames spared the vines and stopped 5 km from Domaine Divio, owned by Bruno and Isabelle Corneaux.

"You could see the smoke coming closer on the hill next to it," says the winemaker.

"It felt like we were in an apocalypse movie, with a dark red sky."

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In Newberg, the couple of winegrowers were lucky, but their whole environment is affected: "I know a lot of people, like workers, who have been affected by the fires", assures Bruno Corneaux.

"Entire towns have been destroyed. Every day they count the number of missing and dead on the radio. It's very complicated, if only to keep working. There are people who are on the job. to go and check if they have lost relatives or even if they can live somewhere. "

"Dogs and cats vomit"

There is also this poisonous fog which envelops the hills and the rows of vines.

Particle masks should be worn at all times.

The family cat even got sick.

"I asked questions of friends who also have pets," continues Isabelle Corneaux.

"They have exactly the same symptoms: animals like dogs and cats vomit. So you can already see the effect it can have on pets. It's alarming."

How to make agricultural workers work under these conditions?

This question grows as the harvest approaches.