Teller Report

Senator wants the Department of Justice to investigate Netflix after pedophile debate

9/14/2020, 12:17:01 PM

The French independent film Snyggingar is shown on Netflix and has received massive attention. The film has been accused of showing sexualized images of children and now Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz has sent a letter to the US Department of Justice asking if Netflix may have broken the law.

Handsome is about eleven-year-old Amy who grows up as a second-generation Senegalese immigrant in France.

Amy's family is conservative and religious and she longs for freedom.

When she meets a bunch of girls who are aiming to win a dance competition, she sees her chance.

The film is critical of how the sexualization of children is accelerated by lay hunting on social media and contains some provocative images when the girls dance lightly dressed in a "sexy" way.

In connection with the premiere, the hashtag #CancelNetflix was the fastest trending in the US on Twitter, as a large number of people consider the film to be a "gift for pedophiles".

Netflix was criticized before the film's international premiere for marketing the film with an image that was not representative of its message - something the streaming site apologized for.

Political question

Now politicians are also entering the discussion.

This weekend, US Republican Senator Ted Cruz went out in an interview with the television channel Fox News and announced that he had asked the US Department of Justice to investigate Netflix.

"It sexualizes 11-year-olds, they dance like strippers and it's disgusting," Cruz said.

- I have asked the Minister of Justice to investigate Netflix because according to federal laws, it is a crime to distribute child pornography, he continued.

The film's director Maïmouna Doucouré has previously been threatened with death and said before the film's Netflix premiere:

- I just hope that these people see the film, because then they would understand that we are on the same side in the fight against the hypersexualization of children, she told the newspaper Time.