Teller Report

Murashko assessed the situation with coronavirus in Russia

9/13/2020, 7:52:55 PM

Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko, on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, assessed the situation with coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the country.

“We see that the situation is quite stable,” RIA Novosti Murashko quotes.

At the same time, the minister noted that “in some regions, due to the return from vacations and increased activity, there are small changes in the number of patients”.

He added that it is necessary to continue to follow the sanitary and epidemiological rules.

Earlier, Murashko spoke about the development of the second Russian vaccine against coronavirus infection COVID-19.

Virologist and Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Altstein, in an interview with the NSN, spoke about possible options for the development of the situation with COVID-19.

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