Teller Report

He questioned a second police check - was dragged by the train

9/13/2020, 5:37:49 PM

During an ID check on the train between Copenhagen and Malmö on Friday night, a dispute arose between Benjamin Antwi and the border police. He was then dragged off the train by several police officers. The incident, which was filmed and has been widely circulated on social media, has been reported by both Benjamin Antwi and the police.

On the train on the way home from his job in Copenhagen, Benjamin Antwi was asked to show his ID card to the border police.

After showing their driver's license, an exchange of views arose between them.

- I had worked and just wanted to go home and sleep like all other people, he says.

The police asked Benjamin Antwi to follow the train for further control.

But he refused.

Why did you not just follow the police?

- I had not done anything wrong and then I think it is wrong that I should just follow, says Benjamin Antwi.

Finally, Benjamin Antwi was dragged off the train by two police officers.

Reported for violent resistance

According to Ewa Gun Westford, the police's spokesperson in the South region, it started with a regular ID check.

- Then a policeman became suspicious of a bag there.

They wanted to know more about the person and therefore they decided to do an in-depth check, she says.

The police do not carry out such checks on the train because they want to avoid long delays and delays.

- The decision on an in-depth control was made and therefore he is lifted towards the exit, then he is arrested and later reported for violent resistance, she says.

Benjamin Antwi thinks he is being controlled because of his skin color.

- It is not the case that they approach a white person and ask where they have been, what they work with or what they have done in Copenhagen.

I get that question almost every time I'm on the train and the police come.

The incident must be investigated

Benjamin Antwi has also reported the incident to the police.

Why did you want to control him?

- The investigation must show why they wanted to do an in-depth inspection.

We also have to look at if something has gone wrong and if something has been done wrong by the police, says Ewa Gun Westford.

Benjamin Antwi has worked in Copenhagen for ten years.

According to him, he is randomly selected by the border police for control several times a year.

- It gets hard every time I have to take the train, and I do it twice a day, he says.

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