Teller Report

The occupation forces Jerusalemites to self-demolish their homes ... and families are now homeless

9/12/2020, 10:11:06 PM

“Building my house is a dream and it has been fulfilled for my family, and demolishing it is a nightmare that haunted our lives, and it was also realized, but with the unjust decision of the occupation.” This is how the Jerusalemite citizen Nihad Subaih Shaqirat summarized the tragedy of demolition and displacement that his family is experiencing, after the occupation’s decision to demolish his house in Jabal Mukaber, south of Jerusalem, with my seed

The demolition of 51 facilities during August 27, of them at the hands of their owners, leaving 85 people homeless

The occupation forces Jerusalemites to self-demolish their homes ... and families are now homeless

  • Nihad Shqairat's family, the occupation forces forced them to demolish their home.

    From the source

  • Jawad Siyam: “Most of the housing units that were demolished were inhabited, causing the displacement of 85 individuals, most of them under the age of 18, who owned the demolished homes and lived in them for many years.”

  • The house of Al-Maqdisi, Nihad Shqeirat, during its self-demolition.

    From the source

  • The Abd al-Salam and Uday al-Razam families are now homeless.

    From the source

  • Al-Maqdisi Ibrahim Abu Jumaa, forcibly demolishing his house.

    From the source


“Building my house is a dream and it has been fulfilled for my family, and demolishing it is a nightmare that haunted our lives, and it was also realized, but with the unjust decision of the occupation.” Thus, the Jerusalemite citizen Nihad Sobeih Shqeirat summarized the tragedy of demolition and displacement that his family is experiencing, after the occupation’s decision to demolish his house in Jabal Mukaber, south of Jerusalem, under the pretext of construction Without a permit, while he was forced to demolish it by his own hand on August 8th.

Signs of heartbreak

Shqirat says, signs of sorrow do not leave his face: “In 2014, my eldest son Adham and I began to realize the dream of the family, building a two-story house, and around it a cultivated yard, and this was the dream of our life, which cost millions of shekels, but the occupation that annihilates Every Palestinian dream. He issued a decision to demolish my house, under the pretext of not being licensed, and left me with two options, the most bitter of which are bitter: Either I demolish my house with my own hands, or Israeli bulldozers demolish it, bearing the costs of that. ”

He explains that his house, in which 11 people live, and all the facilities in it were built in accordance with the law and safety measures. However, the occupation municipality had notified the demolition of the house consisting of two apartments several times, during the previous years, under the pretext of not obtaining a building permit.

He indicates that he repeatedly tried, through his lawyer, to obtain a building permit and cancel the demolition order. However, the Occupation Court refused to do so every time, as the last decision by the District Court was self-demolition, or a fine of 160,000 shekels, if The municipal machinery carried out the demolition.

Shqairat goes on to say, in his speech to Emirates Today: “There is absolutely nothing harder and more difficult for a Palestinian to demolish his home by his own hands, to execute his beautiful dream himself, despite the difficulty of self-demolition, but I did so, to protect children and women from the occupation forces’ storming of the house, and even I do not let them enjoy one shekel, in return for demolishing my house, and razing their vehicles, my land that I inherited from my father. ”

He points out that the Israeli demolition policy, under the pretext of not being licensed, is a gateway to displacing Jerusalemites from their original lands, stressing that the occupation will not be able to uproot it from its land, even if they force him to demolish his house thousands of times.

And in Khallet Al-Ain in Mount Al-Tour, the occupation authorities forced Ibrahim Abu Jumaa Al-Maqdisiyah's family to self-demolish their homes on August 12th.

27 self-destructions

The occupation has intensified the decision to self-demolish in the city of Jerusalem since last May, and its intensity increased last August, as it forces families to demolish their homes with their hands, after threatening to impose financial fines in exchange for the demolition of the municipality's crews and their home machinery, and the forces accompanying them.

In this regard, the Wadi Hilweh Silwan Information Center reports, in a report monitoring the violations of the occupation in the Holy City, that the occupation authorities demolished 51 facilities in the city of Jerusalem during the month of August, and 27 self-destructive operations were carried out by their Jerusalemite owners, by an unfair decision of the occupation municipality, and the rest Bulldozers and occupation vehicles demolished it.

The director of Wadi Hilweh Silwan Information Center, Jawad Siyam, explains that most of the housing units that were demolished are inhabited, causing the displacement of 85 individuals, most of them under the age of 18, who owned the demolished homes and lived in them for many years.

He points out that the demolition was concentrated in the town of Silwan, which witnessed the demolition of 16 facilities, while 13 facilities were demolished in Jabal Al Mukaber, most of them homes and housing units. As for the demolished homes, they were in different Jerusalem towns, including: Beit Hanina and Jabal Al-Tur.


Moving to the town of Hanina, north of the holy city of Jerusalem, the families of the two brothers Uday and Abd al-Salam al-Razam have been living in a severe state of displacement, since last August 30, after the occupation forced them to demolish their homes. A shelter for them with family and relatives.

Uday Al-Razam said: “I built my house with my brother Abdul Salam in 2011, but the occupation municipality imposed on us a construction fine of 40,000 shekels, and before we finished paying the violation, the occupation issued a decision to demolish the two homes.”

The al-Maqdisi citizen explains that the area of ​​each house is 70 square meters, and each one of them consists of two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall, adding: “My wife and my child lived in a house, while my brother Abdul Salam lived in his house with his wife and five children. Today we are all homeless.” .

The occupation intensified the decision to self-demolish in the city of Jerusalem since last May, and its intensity increased last August.

The Israeli demolition policy, under the pretext of lack of permission, is a gateway to displace Jerusalemites from their original lands.

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