Teller Report

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus fixes the reinforced flights of aviation along the borders

9/12/2020, 5:37:49 PM

The head of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus Viktor Khrenin said that the defense department records the intensified flights of aviation of Western countries along the borders of the republic and the conduct of reconnaissance of the situation in Belarus.

This was reported by BelTA.

“We cannot but be concerned about the flights of B-52 bombers along our state border,” Khrenin said.

He also said that at present, the 2nd tank battalion of the 69th US tank regiment is being transferred to the Pabrade training ground in Lithuania, 15 km from the Belarusian border.

Earlier Khrenin said that after the exercises in the Grodno region, the Belarusian troops were returned to their places of permanent deployment.