Teller Report

Mohammed bin Zayed: Our society is cohesive, all groups of which are equal in interest and support

9/12/2020, 10:13:57 PM

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, launched a comprehensive strategy for people of determination in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi 2020-2024, with the participation of more than 28 concerned local and federal government agencies, and under the leadership of a circle.

He launched the Comprehensive Strategy for People of Determination in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi 2020-2024

Mohammed bin Zayed: Our society is cohesive, all groups of which are equal in interest and support

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, launched a comprehensive strategy for people of determination in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi 2020-2024, with the participation of more than 28 concerned local and federal government agencies, and led by the Department of Community Development in Abu Dhabi, with the aim of making the emirate an inclusive, prepared and empowering city for people of determination, in line with the department's vision to provide a decent life for all members of society.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan said: “Today we launched the Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination .. Our commitment is continuous towards empowering our sons and daughters of people of determination and achieving their aspirations.” His Highness affirmed that our society is cohesive and cohesive, with equal attention and support for all groups.

For his part, His Highness Sheikh Hazza bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, said, “The comprehensive strategy for people of determination in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi is an essential step towards further integration and empowerment of this basic group in society, with the aim of unleashing its full potential so that it becomes an integral part. From the march of development, and to achieve more distinctions and achievements ».

The strategy included five main objectives: building a culture of society based on the human rights perspective of people of determination, activating the role of people of determination and their families and empowering them by involving them in the transformation process towards an inclusive society, creating an environment that allows equal access for people of determination to rights, services and opportunities in all stages of life, and ensuring the provision of Integrated and high-quality services in the government and private sectors, and the development of a sustainable social development framework based on data and evidence for people of determination and their families.

His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, described the launch of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, "Abu Dhabi Comprehensive Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024", as a qualitative and distinguished step that clearly shows the keenness and interest of our wise leadership to empower our sons and daughters. One of the people of determination, and achieving their aspirations in our cohesive and cohesive society in which all groups are equal in interest and support, stressing that "Zayed Higher Organization" appreciates the role and responsibility it carries out to work on the success of Abu Dhabi government's rational efforts to empower people of determination.

For his part, His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Member of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office, affirmed that "the comprehensive strategy for people of determination is an integrated system of policies and programs that ensure their empowerment and enhance their contributions and essential role in the development process."

His Highness referred to “implementing 30 initiatives within five years to provide an appropriate environment that provides equal access for people of determination to rights, services and opportunities, in health and social care, education, job and financing opportunities, and innovation, so that Abu Dhabi is the leading city in the world in empowering people of determination.”

The strategy touched on the main enablers such as quality of services and sustainable financing, with the aim of achieving the message of support for people of determination and their families in an integrated system that provides high-quality services to enable them to effectively participate in society, while the strategy adopted basic guidelines in line with what was stated in the United Nations Convention on Rights Persons with Disabilities », by adopting a perspective that supports the rights of people of determination and a social view of disability, which confirms that disability is not inherent in the individual with disabilities, but rather is the result of institutional, behavioral, communication, and organizational barriers that exist in society and that the individual of people of determination encounters.

She also affirmed that the agenda of integrating people of determination is the responsibility of everyone, through the principle of mainstreaming disability in all policies, programs and services for all concerned authorities in the emirate, in addition to emphasizing the role of people of determination in implementing the strategy through leadership and representation of people of determination.

The strategy will be implemented through six work teams, which are: the “Health and Rehabilitation” axis work team, led by the Department of Health, the “Education” work team led by the Department of Education and Knowledge, the work team for the “Employment” axis led by the Human Resources Authority, and the work team for the “Social Care” axis. Leaded by the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, the work team of the “Comprehensive Access” axis led by the Department of Municipalities and Transport and the work team of the “Empowerment” axis led by the Department of Community Development, provided that each work team includes concerned local and federal government agencies, representatives of the private sector, and the representation of the third sector Through associations of people of determination, as well as a number of people of determination and their families.

The Department of Community Development in Abu Dhabi, in addition to its role in leading the implementation of transformative initiatives in the Enablers Ax, will provide the necessary support to all work teams, ensure coordination and complementarity between the axes, and oversee the overall performance to guide the implementation of the strategy towards achieving the strategic goals and desired outcomes.

While the strategy of the People of Determination is in line with the Social Sector Plan 2030 that is based on three basic aspirations, which is a decent standard of living for all members of society, by providing adequate housing for all and a decent life for all members of the Abu Dhabi community in their various circumstances and stages of life, in addition to the second aspiration, a cohesive family It forms the nucleus of a tolerant and incubating society for all its groups, which aims to activate the role of all members of society, make children and youth feel happy and safe, and empower people of determination to achieve their aspirations, a respectful, active and active life for the elderly, and a cohesive society based on tolerance and respect for the other, and includes the third aspiration, a community Active and responsible, by making individuals actively participate in community service, and making them active and enjoying a culture of physical health.

Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi:

"Our commitment is continuing towards empowering our sons and daughters of people of determination and achieving their aspirations."

Hazza bin Zayed:

"The strategy is an essential step towards further integration and empowerment of this basic group in society."

Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed:

"Executing 30 initiatives within 5 years to provide an appropriate environment that provides equal access to people of determination."


The strategy included five main objectives:

Building a culture of society based on the human rights perspective of people of determination.

Activating the role of people of determination and their families and empowering them.

Creating an environment that allows equal access to rights and services for people of determination.

Ensuring the provision of integrated and quality services in the public and private sectors.

Develop a data and evidence-based sustainable social development framework.

All time stages

The Comprehensive Strategy for People of Determination in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi 2020-2024 covers all time stages of a person's life of People of Determination, and includes the most important areas such as health and rehabilitation, education, employment, social welfare and protection, and participation in social, sports, cultural, entertainment and tourism public life.

It also focuses on universal access and a qualified environment in terms of buildings, facilities, transportation, housing, and other things such as information and services.

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