Teller Report

Covid-19: more than 10,000 new cases in France in one day, a record since the start of the epidemic

9/12/2020, 7:22:48 PM

The daily number of contaminations due to Covid-19 exceeded 10,000 for the first time on Saturday in France. 17 people died in 24 hours.

This is a record figure since the launch of large-scale tests in the country: France has crossed the threshold of 10,000 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours, according to data released on Saturday by Public Health France.

The number of confirmed cases in one day amounted to 10,561, against 9,406 new cases the day before, said the health agency.

The positivity rate (proportion of the number of people tested positive in relation to the total number of people tested) remains stable at 5.4%, and 17 people died in 24 hours.

Read also >> Covid-19 in France: who, when and where to get tested?

The number of patients entering intensive care has increased further, with 417 new patients hospitalized in the last 7 days, or 28 more in 24 hours.

Eighty-six new sources of contamination have also been detected, a figure down over one day.

There were 106 of them the day before.

Seven days of isolation instead of fourteen

In total, 30,910 people have died from Covid-19 since the start of the epidemic in France six months ago and 10 million tests have been carried out.

Faced with a "manifest deterioration" of the situation, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Friday a reduction in the duration of isolation to 7 days for positive cases and their contacts, a reduction in waiting times for tests.

On Saturday, the head of government tested "negative" for Covid-19 during a second screening, and ended his isolation.

With AFP

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