Teller Report

Covid-19: "corona-skeptics" mobilize in Munich

9/12/2020, 9:34:49 PM

It is again in Germany that the demonstrators criticizing the restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic mobilized the most, this Saturday, September 12. After the 5,000 or so participants there are ...

Covid-19: "corona-skeptics" mobilize in Munich

In Munich, thousands of demonstrators protested against the government's measures in the fight against Covid-19.

Christof STACHE / AFP

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2 min

It is again in Germany that the demonstrators criticizing the restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic mobilized the most, this Saturday, September 12.

After the 5,000 or so participants two weeks ago in Berlin, the mobilization was concentrated in the Bavarian capital.


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With our correspondent in Berlin


Pascal Thibaut


I know that some people find it difficult to accept the measures related to the current pandemic and I understand that.

These decisions were not easy to take but they made it possible to control the situation


In her weekly podcast posted on Saturday morning, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke of protesters who regularly take to the streets to denounce measures against the virus.

This weekend, it was in Munich,

after Berlin two weeks ago

, that the “corona-skeptics” mobilized.

The organizers can be satisfied.

They counted on 5,000 demonstrators;

10,000 were present according to the police.

Again, a very diverse crowd protested, bringing together fans of esotericism, anti-vaccine activists, conspirators but also supporters of the far right.

Other events in Hanover in Lower Saxony and in Wiesbaden in Hesse, on the other hand, had fewer participants than had been announced.

In these three cities, counter-demonstrations were organized without clashes taking place between the various processions.


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  • Germany

  • Coronavirus

  • Angela Merkel