Teller Report

Amid the chants of the demonstrators ... the killers of Floyd before the American court

9/12/2020, 6:59:12 PM

The four US policemen accused of killing African-American George Floyd appeared in a Minneapolis court for the first time on Friday.

The four US policemen accused of killing African-American citizen George Floyd appeared before a Minneapolis court for the first time on Friday, amid chants of demonstrators demanding justice for Floyd, 46, who was killed 4 months ago.

During court, each of the four defendants sought to obtain a separate trial in the case, with court records showing that each held the other responsible for the death.

Derek Chauvin - accused of second and third-degree murder and manslaughter, after he was photographed kneeling over Floyd's neck until he breathed his last - stated that the victim's death was caused by an overdose of Fentanyl, and accused the other two agents of failing to properly assess Floyd's condition.

However, prosecutors rejected the "fentanyl overdose" argument as "absurd", and stressed that the four: Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Alexander Kyung and Tu Thao, must be tried together based on "concrete evidence indicating that they acted in concert with each other when he was killed." Floyd. "

Prosecutors stated that Floyd's death was "brutal, cruel and inhuman," after he was arrested at the time on suspicion of using a counterfeit $ 20 bill in a store.

The four defendants say, "The decision to prevent Floyd from moving by handcuffing him, while two of the officers installed him while he was under Chauvin's knee, was justified."

The four were sacked a day after Floyd's death, reflecting how seriously US cities are taking abuse charges against police.

Lin, Kyung and Thao are each accused of aiding and abetting the commission of second-degree murder and accidental homicide.

The death of Floyd on May 25 sparked nationwide protests and demonstrations that continue under the slogan "Black lives matter," and has become a symbol of what many describe as "systemic racism" and the police assault on African Americans.

In conjunction with yesterday's session, protesters gathered outside the courtroom in central Minneapolis before the hearing, chanting "George Floyd" and holding up placards and a large flag that read "Black lives matter."

The demonstrators sat on the floor during the court chanting slogans and waving banners demanding justice for Floyd (Reuters)


The session focused on how difficult it is to provide a trial - scheduled to begin next March - before a safe and fair jury, given the huge media hype that the case gained, which sparked a fierce political debate between the right and the left.

While the defendants, their lawyers and prosecutors put masks, the court differed over the way the jury seats were distributed, given the policy of social distancing due to Covid-19, while defense lawyers spoke of the constant threats via phones and social media that would poison the atmosphere and prevent a fair trial.

Usually, jury members are selected by passing a group of candidates through the courtroom, where they are questioned by the parties ’attorneys to determine if they are biased in the first place.

District Court Judge Burt Kahl suggested sending questionnaires to the homes of potential jurors, but defense attorneys said this carried the risk of being allowed to conduct an internet search of the case and come to opinions before answering questions.

In addition to requesting separate trials, defense attorneys called for the case to be moved to another jurisdiction, but Robert Paul, Thao's attorney, acknowledged that it was impossible to find jurors who were not familiar with the news related to the case. Did not witness a media hype about the death of George Floyd. "

Kahl stated that the case will remain in the current court for the time being, but that it may be considered in the event that an acceptable jury cannot be formed.