Teller Report

Trump is comparing himself to "Churchill" in the response to the Corona virus

9/11/2020, 10:43:54 PM

The US President, Donald Trump, compared himself to the British Prime Minister in wartime, and Winston Churchill, when he was calming the people, during the Nazi bombing of London, justifying his underestimation of the threat of the Corona virus pandemic at its beginning. Trump cited a historical fallacy, saying that Churchill was going, G.

Trump is comparing himself to "Churchill" in the response to the Corona virus

The US President, Donald Trump, compared himself to the British Prime Minister in wartime, and Winston Churchill, when he was calming the people, during the Nazi bombing of London, justifying his underestimation of the threat of the Corona virus pandemic at its beginning.

Trump cited a historical fallacy, saying that Churchill often went to a rooftop in London and spoke during the Nazi bombing of the city, during World War II.

Trump added, during a campaign rally in Michigan: "He (Churchill) was always talking quietly ... We did it the right way, and we did something that no one had done."

Trump is facing criticism, after he admitted, in March, that he intended to underestimate the danger of the emerging corona virus, in order to avoid causing panic, according to a new book by the famous journalist Bob Woodward.

Earlier Thursday, Trump was asked, during a press conference, about the reason for "lying" to the American public about the seriousness of the virus, and he said: "I did not lie, what I said is that we must be calm, we cannot be panicked."

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