Teller Report

In Belarus, reported on a criminal case against a member of the Constitutional Court Kravtsov

9/11/2020, 7:11:28 PM

In Belarus, the Financial Investigation Department opened a criminal case against Ivan Kravtsov, a member of the coordinating council. This was announced by the senior inspector of the DFR of the State Control Committee Artem Dunko.

“A criminal case has been initiated against him under Part 4 of Art.

210 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement on an especially large scale through abuse of office), ”BelTA quotes him.

As specified, with the participation of Ivan Kravtsov, "illegal operations were carried out to launder and cash out funds."

On September 8, the executive secretary of the coordinating council of the Belarusian opposition Ivan Kravtsov and press secretary Anton Rodnenkov contacted the council, they are in Ukraine.

Earlier, the State Border Committee of Belarus reported about the arrest of a member of the coordination council of the opposition of the republic Maria Kolesnikova while trying to cross the border with Ukraine.

It was reported that two more representatives of the Belarusian opposition - Kravtsov and Rodnenkov - left the country.