Teller Report

As for laboratories, "we are quite satisfied" with the prioritization of tests

9/11/2020, 6:55:54 PM

In the wake of Prime Minister Jean Castex's announcements on Friday, François Blanchecotte said he was satisfied with the establishment of a prioritization in people tested against the coronavirus. The president of the union of biologists believes that the urgency is to test those who really need it.

In the wake of Prime Minister Jean Castex's announcements on Friday, François Blanchecotte said he was satisfied with the establishment of a prioritization in people tested against the coronavirus.

The president of the union of biologists believes that the urgency is to test those who really need it.

This is one of the strong measures of Prime Minister Jean Castex's speech at the end of the Defense Council dedicated to the coronavirus: the prioritization of tests.

Concretely, people who show symptoms, those who have "been in close contact with a positive person" and caregivers will have time slots reserved to come to be tested.

A measure intended to fight against the congestion of certain laboratories, especially in large cities.

A news greeted with a smile by François Blanchecotte, the president of the union of biologists.

"We are rather satisfied", he reacts to the microphone of Europe 1. 

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Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Friday September 11

Give deadlines according to the urgency of the situation

“At one point, you have to separate people. Otherwise you have queues [in front of the laboratories] with priority people, others who are not, and some who come for something else. give different deadlines depending on the urgency of the situation. "

But the urgency, recalls François Blanchecotte, "it is all the same to test people who have a good reason to wait in front of the laboratories". 


What to remember from the announcements of Jean Castex

Tensions on the ground because of the too long wait 

This is all the more important since the government's previous strategy, massively testing indiscriminately, "annoyed everyone": "the medical profession, the patients, the French and even us, the biologists, because we are under the wave."

A situation which is also at the origin of many tensions on the ground, between the people coming to be tested and the staff.

"All our secretaries are tired of the insults that we have in the cabinets. It has to stop and we are putting these solutions on the table."