Teller Report

"Hatred and nationalism" when the border between Sweden and Finland was kept closed

9/11/2020, 6:53:00 PM

After six months, the border between Sweden and Finland is expected to reopen. A six-month period that has had serious consequences. - Social media has been characterized by hatred and nationalism, says Sven-Erik Bucht, representative of the Border Barriers Council.

It is next Saturday, September 19, that the border will reopen.

In Norrbotten and Haparanda, the border with the Finnish Tornio has been closely guarded.

- A day of joy and a step in the right direction.

I hope that the riot fences and guards will disappear quickly, says former Minister of Rural Affairs Sven-Erik Bucht.

"Terrible language"

But it is not just shouts of joy according to Bucht.

During the months that the border has been closed, a mood has been whipped up on social media that will take a long time to recover from.

- From both the Swedish and Finnish side, it has been a terrible use of language.

Seeds have been sown that are not good, he says.

In the clip above, you can hear more about Sven-Erik Bucht's thoughts on the opening and the consequences of the closed border.