Teller Report

The start of the first phase of the reconstruction of Al-Tahira Church

9/10/2020, 10:11:50 PM

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has begun implementing the first phase of the reconstruction of Al-Tahera Church in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which is to remove rubble and unexploded ordnance, and to fully secure the project site. And the reconstruction process goes through complex stages

Noura Al Kaabi: An important step to restore the diverse and bright face of Mosul

The start of the first phase of the reconstruction of Al-Tahira Church

  • The church is considered the largest in Iraq and one of the largest churches in the Middle East. It was opened in 1947. From the source

  • Minister of Culture: “The UAE’s projects aim to empower Mosul’s youth and provide vocational and technical training.”


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has begun implementing the first phase of the reconstruction of Al-Tahera Church in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which is to remove rubble and unexploded ordnance, and to fully secure the project site.

The reconstruction process is going through complex stages, after the church was subjected to the process of destroying large parts of its internal halls and external walls, as local contractors, under the supervision of archeology experts, are scheduled to restore it with the participation of craftsmen in the field of local heritage.

Finally, UNESCO began receiving bids from local companies to reconstruct the church and the monastery attached to it.

A project to rebuild Al-Tahira Church is being implemented with funding from the United Arab Emirates, and in coordination with the local authorities in Mosul.

The Minister of Culture and Youth, Noura Bint Muhammad Al-Kaabi, said: “This step sends a message of hope to the Mosul community, and restores the bright face of the city of Mosul, which has always been an incubator for various religions. It also contributes to rebuilding the societal fabric and the return of the displaced to their homes in the old city of Mosul, from By providing places of worship for the various sects of the Mosul community, in a way that would restore to the Mosulists their tolerant identity and values.

Noura Al-Kaabi pointed out that the reconstruction of Al-Tahira Church is not only because of its position as a cultural heritage, but also because it is evidence of the diversity of the city of Mosul, and its embrace of different cultures and religions over the years.

Noura Al Kaabi explained that the UAE's projects in the city of Mosul aim to empower Mosul youth by creating job opportunities for them, providing vocational and technical training, and enhancing the capabilities of craftsmen in the field of cultural heritage preservation.

The largest churches in Iraq

The Immaculate Syriac Catholic Church is the largest in Iraq, and one of the largest churches in the Middle East in capacity, engineering and beauty, as it was inaugurated in 1947, and it consists of three high-rise spaces, the widest and the highest in the middle, and includes a tall dome pierced by 12 windows.

The three main inner spaces are supported by 18 massive marble columns that converge in impressive towering arches.

Terrorism blew it up in February 2015.

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